A letter from Adelaide


Adelaide of Turin and Susa



Translated letter:

In the year 1060 from the incarnation of the Lord, 12th kalends of June, countess Adelaide, daughter of the late Oldric or Manfred, widow of the late marquis Odo, gives to the altar within the church of St. John of Turin under the name of the holy Trinity, where marquis Manfred lies against the foot of the altar, gives, I say, a certain open land situated at Buriasco, for the sustenance of six priests and for the soul of the late Odo her husband, and if controversy should arise, let it return to said countess Adelaide, or her daughter, not in possession but in governance.


Original letter:

Anno ab Incarnatione Domini M.LX.xii.Kal.junii Adelais Comitissa filia quondam Oldrigii sive Magnifredi, Vidua quondam Oddonis Marchionis, dat altari intus Ecclesiam S. Joannis Taurini sub titulo S. Trinitatis, ubi secus pedem altaris requiescit Magnifredus marchio, dat, inquam, certum sedimen situm apud Buriades pro victu sex Presbyterorum, & pro anima quondam Oddonis Viris sui, & si controversia oriatur, quod redeat ad dictam Adelasiam Comitissam, aut ejus filiam non in proprietate, se in gubernatione.

Historical context:

The countess gives land at Buriasco to the church in which her father is buried for the soul of her husband, Odo.

Printed source:

Samuel Guichenon, L’Histoire Généalogique de la maison royale de Savoye  v.2 Preuves, p.14.





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