A letter from Alix of Vergy (1220 December)


Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy


Public and Convent of Dunis

Translated letter:

I, Alix, duchess of Burgundy, make known to all that Odo, duke of Burgundy of good memory, my lord and husband, as he was dying enjoined me before his barons to send a hundred knights to the aid of the Holy Land for his soul at my expense; and since because of this I had to tax the commune of Dijon, which effectively helped me to pay those expenses, I assured the commune of Dijon that I would not myself nor through another take someone of those who are in said commune nor have them taken only for their money, and I promised to hold this and observe it in good faith as long as I hold the regency and I swore this by my own hand in the hand of said commune and handed over to that commune my letters on this sealed with my seal. Enacted this 1220th year of the lord, in the month of August.

Original letter:

Ego Alaydis ducissa Burgundie, omnibus notum facio quod Odo bone memorie dux Burgundie dominus et maritus meus laborans in extremis, injunxit mihi coram baronibus suis, quod ego mitterem centum milites in subsidium Terre Sancte pro anima sua cum expensis meis, et quia propter hoc oportuit me gravare communiam Divionensem, qui ad expensas illas persolvendas efficaciter juvit me, ego assecuravi communiam Divionensem quod ego, nec per me nec per alium, aliquem illorum qui sunt in dicta communia capiam solummodo pro pecunia sua nec capi faciam, et hoc tenere et observare bona fide promisi quamdiu avoeriam Burgundie tenebo, et hoc insuper juravi manu propria in manu dicte communie et super hoc litteras meas sigillo meo sigillatas eidem communie tradidi. Actum est hoc anno Domini MoCCo vicesimo, mense augusto.

Historical context:

The duchess explains that she had to tax the commune of Dijon in order to carry out her husband's dying wish to send knights to the Holy Land, but promises not to arrest anyone to collect the money.

Printed source:

Joseph Garnier, Chartes de Communes et d'affranchisements en Bourgogne (Dijon: Rabutat, 1867-77). 1.32.


1220 December



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