A letter from Cecilia and Bernard Ato


Bernard Ato IV
Cecilia of Provence


Ermengald of Feberano

Translated letter:

From this hour forth, I Bernard viscount and my wife Cecilia viscountess and our sons Roger and Raymond Trencavel  will be upright and faithful aids to you Ermengald of Feberano, against Aymeri of Narbonne and his children in all those wars and moves/removal (remogudas) that they make against you, as long as we could do so rightly, and we will be upright and faithful helpers to you with Peter Raymond and his brothers and their children, if they wished to take from you that part which you have and ought to have in the town of Vintron or those honors which you have and ought to have through Vintron beyond the mountain, as long as you can rightly have them, and we would give you the said help as often as you call upon us either yourself or through your message or messages, and we shall not protest against that summons in any way.  As written above, so I Peter of Monte-irato swear to you the aforesaid Ermengald that these my said lords/elders attended and held the whole without deceit, by God and these saints.  Peter of Monte-irato made this oath by order of said viscount.

Original letter:

De ista hora in antea, ego Ber­nardus vicecomes & uxor mea Caecilia vicecomitissa & filii nostri Rogerius & Raymundus Trencavelli recti & fideles adjutores erimus vobis Ermengaudo de Fe­berano, de Aimerico Narbonae & de in­fantibus suis, de totas ipsas guerras & remogudas quae tibi fecerint, quandiu de eis ad rectum poterimus habere, & recti & fideles adjutores erimus tibi de Petro Raimundi & de fratribus ejus & de infanti­bus illorum, si voluerint tollere tibi ipsam tuam partem quam habes & habere debes in Vintrone castro vel ipsos honores quos habes & habere debes per Vintronem ultra montem, quandiu de eis ad rectum poteris habere, & haec suprascripta adjutoria fecerimus tibi per quantas vegadas tu nos commonueris per te vel per tuum missum vel per tuos missos, & de ipso commonimento non vos vetabimus ullo modo. Sicut superius scriptum est, sic ego Petrus de Monte-irato juro tibi Ermengaudo praedicto quod isti suprascripti seniores mei totum attenderint & tenuerint sine inganno, per Deum & haec sancta. Hoc sacramentum fecit Petrus de Monte-irato jussione vicecomitis praedicti.

Historical context:

The count and countess and their sons swear to support Ermengald against Aymeri of Narbonne and others.

Printed source:

Histoire Générale de Languedoc, 5.908-11, #483.3, CCCXCV.





This is an archived work created in 2024 and downloaded from Columbia University Academic Commons.