Genealogy: Conrad

Table 2.1 Descendants of Henry I of Germany -- Line of Gisela of Swabia and Conrad II of Germany

Conrad II Emperor d. 1039
+Gisela of Swabia d. 1043
|---Henry III Emperor d. 1056
    +Kunegund of England d. 1038
    |---Beatrice Abbess of Quedlinburg
    +Agnes of Poitiers (Aia) d. 1077
    |---Matilda of Germany duchess of Swabia d. 1060
    |   +Rudolf I of Swabia and anti-king of Germany d. 1080
    |---Judith of Swabia queen of Hungary and princess of Poland d. 1100 ?
    |   +Salomon of Hungary b. 1053, d. 1087
    |   +Wladyslaw I Herman prince of Poland d. 1102
    |   |---Boleslaw III Wrymouth prince of Poland
    |       +Zbyslava of Kiev d. Cir 1114
    |       |---Wladyslaw II the Exile prince of Krakow and Silesia
    |           |---Boleslaw I the Tall prince of Wroclaw b. 1127, d. 1201
    |           |   |---Henry I the Bearded prince of Krakow and Silesia b. 1165-1170, d. 1238
    |           |       +Jadwiga/Hedwig of Silesia b. 1174, d. 1243
    |           |       |---Henry II the Pious prince of Krakow and Silesia b. Cir 1196, d. 1241
    |           |           +Anna of Bohemia
    |           |           |---Henry III prince of Silesia at Wroclaw b. 1227-1230, d. 1266
    |           |           |   +Judith of Mazovia
    |           |           |   |---Henry IV Probus prince of Krakow and Silesia b. Cir 1258, d. 1290
    |           |           |---Constance of Wroclaw
    |           |               +Casimir prince of Kuyavia b. Cir 1211, d. 1267
    |           |               |---Leszek the Black prince of Krakow and Leczyca b. 1240-1242, d. 1288
    |           |               |---Ziemomysl of Kuyavia prince of Inowroclaw b. Cir 1245, d. 1287
    |           |                   +Salomea of Pomerania
    |           |                   |---Fenenna of Kuyavia queen of Hungary d. 1295(**)
    |           |                       +Andrew III king of Hungary d. 1301
    |           |---Richeza of Poland b. Cir 1140, d. 1185
    |               +Alfonso VII of Leon and Castile b. 1105, d. 1157
    |               |---Sancha of Castile queen of Aragon b. 1154-1155, d. 1208
    |                   +Alfonso II king of Aragon b. 1157, d. 1196
    |                   |---Peter II king of Aragon b. 1178, d. 1213
    |                   |   +Marie of Montpellier Queen of Aragon d. 1213
    |                   |   |---James I king of Aragon b. 1208, d. 1276
    |                   |       +Eleanor of Castile
    |                   |       +Violant queen of Aragon b. Cir 1215, d. Cir 1251
    |                   |       |---Isabella of Aragon queen of France b. 1248, d. 1271
    |                   |       |   +Philip III King of France b. 1245, d. 1285
    |                   |       |---Violant of Aragon queen of Castile
    |                   |           +Alfonso X King of Castile d. 1284
    |                   |           |---Ferdinand infante of Castile
    |                   |               +Blanche of France b. 1253, d. 1323
    |                   |---Constance of Aragon queen of Hungary and Sicily and Empress b. 1179, d. 1222
    |                   |   +Emeric king of Hungary b. 1174, d. 1204
    |                   |   |---Ladislaus III king of Hungary b. Cir 1200, d. 1205
    |                   |   +Frederick II King of Sicily, Germany and Jerusalem and Emperor b. 1194, d. 1250
    |                   |   |---Henry (VII) King of the Romans b. 1211, d. 1242
    |                   |---Alfonso II count of Provence b. 1180, d. 1209
    |                   |   +Garsenda II of Sabran
    |                   |   |---Ramon-Bergenguer IV/V Count of Provence b. 1198, d. 1245
    |                   |       +Beatrice of Savoy b. 1198, d. 1267
    |                   |       |---Marguerite of Provence Queen of France d. 1295
    |                   |       |   +Louis IX King of France d. 1270
    |                   |       |   |---Isabel of France b. 1241, d. 1271
    |                   |       |   |   +Thibaut V count of Champagne king of Navarre b. 1239, d. 1270
    |                   |       |   |---Louis of France b. 1244, d. 1260
    |                   |       |   |---Philip III King of France b. 1245, d. 1285
    |                   |       |   |   +Isabella of Aragon queen of France b. 1248, d. 1271
    |                   |       |   |   +Maria of Brabant queen of France b. 1254, d. 1322
    |                   |       |   |---John Tristan count of Valois b. 1250, d. 1270
    |                   |       |   |   +Yolande of Nevers
    |                   |       |   |---Peter I Count of Alencon b. 1251, d. 1283
    |                   |       |   |---Blanche of France b. 1253, d. 1323
    |                   |       |   |   +Ferdinand infante of Castile
    |                   |       |   |---Margaret of France b. 1255, d. 1271
    |                   |       |   |   +John I duke of Brabant
    |                   |       |   |---Robert Count of Clermont b. 1256, d. 1317
    |                   |       |   |   +Beatrice of Bourbon
    |                   |       |   |---Agnes of France Duchess of Burgundy b. 1260, d. 1327
    |                   |       |       +Robert II duke of Burgundy b. 1248, d. 1306
    |                   |       |---Eleanor of Provence Queen of England d. 1291
    |                   |       |   +Henry III King of England d. 1272
    |                   |       |   |---Edward I King of England b. 1239, d. 1307
    |                   |       |   |---Margaret of England b. 1240, d. 1275
    |                   |       |   |   +Alexander III king of Scotland
    |                   |       |   |---Beatrice of England b. 1242, d. 1275
    |                   |       |   |   +John II duke of Brittany
    |                   |       |   |---Edmund Earl of Lancaster b. 1245, d. 1296
    |                   |       |---Sanchia of Provence Countess of Cornwall, Queen of Germany d. 1261
    |                   |       |   +Richard Earl of Cornwall, King of Germany d. 1272
    |                   |       |   |---Edmund of Cornwall
    |                   |       |---Beatrice countess of Provence and queen of Sicily d. 1267
    |                   |           +Charles I of Anjou King of Sicily d. 1285
    |                   |           |---Charles II King of Naples d. 1309
    |                   |           |   +Mary of Hungary queen of Naples b. Cir 1257, d. 1323
    |                   |           |---Isabella/Elizabeth of Anjou b. 1261, d. 1303
    |                   |               +Ladislaus IV the Cuman b. 1262, d. 1290
    |                   |---Eleanor of Aragon countess of Toulouse b. 1182, d. 1226
    |                   |   +Raymond VI count of Toulouse b. 1156, d. 1222
    |                   |---Sancha of Aragon countess of Toulouse b. 1186, d. 1241
    |                       +Raymond VII count of Toulouse b. 1197, d. 1249
    |                       |---Joan countess of Toulouse b. 1220, d. 1271
    |                           +Alphonse of Poitou and Toulouse d. 1271
    |       +Salomea of Berg
    |       |---Richeza of Poland queen of Denmark and Sweden and princess of Minsk b. 1116, d. After 1156
    |       |   +Magnus the Strong king of Denmark and Sweden b. Cir 1106, d. 1134
    |       |   |---Canute V king of Denmark b. Cir 1129, d. 1157
    |       |   +Volodar Glebovich prince of Minsk
    |       |   |---Sophia of Minsk (or Polotsk) b. Cir 1140, d. 1198
    |       |       +Valdemar I king of Denmark b. 1131, d. 1182
    |       |       |---Ingeborg of Denmark Queen of France d. 1236
    |       |       |   +Philip II Augustus King of France b. 1165, d. 1223
    |       |       |---Canute VI king of Denmark b. Cir 1163, d. 1202
    |       |   +Sverker I king of Sweden d. 1156
    |       |---Boleslaw IV the Curly prince of Krakow and Mazovia b. Cir 1122, d. 1173
    |       |---Mieszko III the Old prince of Krakow and Great Poland b. 1126-1127, d. 1202
    |       |   +Elizabeth of Hungary b. Cir 1128, d. 1154
    |       |   |---Odon of Great Poland b. Cir 1149, d. 1194
    |       |       +Vysheslava Vladimirovna of Halych
    |       |       |---Wladyslaw Odonic prince of Great Poland b. 1190, d. 1239
    |       |           |---Przemysl I prince of Great Poland b. 1220-1221, d. 1257
    |       |           |   |---Przemysl II prince of Great Poland and King of Poland b. 1257, d. 1296
    |       |           |       |---Ryksa of Poland b. 1288, d. 1335
    |       |           |           +Wenceslaus II King of Bohemia and Poland d. 1305
    |       |           |---Boleslaw the Pious prince of Great Poland b. 1224-1227, d. 1279
    |       |               +Yolanda of Hungary b. 1235, d. 1298
    |       |---Judith of Poland b. 1130-1135, d. 1171-1175
    |       |   +Otto I margrave of Brandenburg
    |       |   |---Otto II margrave of Brandenburg
    |       |---Casimir II the Just prince of Krakow b. 1138, d. 1194
    |           +Helen of Znojmo b. Cir 1141, d. Jun 1202
    |           |---Leszek I the White prince of Krakow b. 1184-1185, d. 1227
    |           |   +Gremislava of Lutsk d. 1258
    |           |   |---Salomea of Little Poland b. 1211-1212, d. 1268
    |           |   |   +Coloman king of Halych and duke of Slavonia b. 1208, d. 1241
    |           |   |---Boleslaw V the Chaste duke of Krakow b. 1226, d. 1279
    |           |       +Cunegunda/Kinga of Hungary b. 1234, d. 1292
    |           |---Konrad, prince of Krakow and Mazovia b. 1187-1188, d. 1247
    |               +Agafia Sviatoslavna princess of Krakow and Mazovia d. Cir 1247
    |               |---Boleslaw I prince of Sandomierz, Sieradz, and Mazovia b. 1208, d. 1248
    |               |---Casimir prince of Kuyavia b. Cir 1211, d. 1267
    |               |   +Constance of Wroclaw
    |               |   |---Leszek the Black prince of Krakow and Leczyca b. 1240-1242, d. 1288
    |               |   |---Ziemomysl of Kuyavia prince of Inowroclaw b. Cir 1245, d. 1287
    |               |       +Salomea of Pomerania
    |               |       |---Fenenna of Kuyavia queen of Hungary d. 1295(**)
    |               |           +Andrew III king of Hungary d. 1301
    |               |   +Euphrosyne of Opole b. Cir 1229, d. 1292-1293
    |               |   |---Wladyslaw Lokietek prince of Leczyca and Kuyavia and king of Poland d. 1333
    |               |---Ziemowit I prince of Mazovia b. 1224, d. 1262
    |---Adelaide Abbess of Quedlinburg d. Abt 1095
    |---Henry IV Emperor d. 1106
        +Bertha of Savoy d. 1087
        |---Conrad duke of Lower Lorraine and king of Italy and Germany d. 1101
        |---Agnes of Germany Duchess of Swabia d. 1143
        |   +Frederic I of Hohenstaufen Duke of Swabia d. 1105
        |   |---Frederick II Duke of Swabia d. 1147
        |       +Judith of Bavaria d. 1132
        |       |---Frederick I Barbarossa King of Germany, Emperor d. 1190
        |       |   +Beatrice of Franche-Comte d. 1184
        |       |   |---Frederick V Duke of Swabia
        |       |   |---Henry VI King of Italy, Emperor d. 1197
        |       |   |   +Constance Queen of Sicily d. 1198
        |       |   |   |---Frederick II King of Sicily, Germany and Jerusalem and Emperor b. 1194, d. 1250
        |       |   |       +Constance of Aragon queen of Hungary and Sicily and Empress b. 1179, d. 1222
        |       |   |       |---Henry (VII) King of the Romans b. 1211, d. 1242
        |       |   |       +Yolanda/Isabella II queen of Jerusalem b. 1212, d. 1228
        |       |   |       |---Conrad IV king of Germany, Italy, and Jerusalem b. 1228, d. 1254
        |       |   |       +Isabel of England d. 1241
        |       |   |       +Unknown
        |       |   |       |---Manfred of Hohenstaufen King of Sicily b. 1232, d. 1266
        |       |   |           +Beatrice Marchesa of Saluzzo d. 1259
        |       |   |           |---Constanza Queen of Sicily and Aragon d. 1302
        |       |   |               +Peter III King of Aragon d. 1285
        |       |   |---Philip of Swabia King of Germany d. 1208
        |       |       +Irene of Byzantium
        |       |       |---Beatrice of Swabia Empress d. 1212
        |       |       |   +Otto IV Emperor d. 1218
        |       |       |---Elizabeth of Swabia Queen of Castile d. 1235
        |       |       |   +Ferdinand III King of Castile d. 1252
        |       |       |   |---Alfonso X King of Castile d. 1284
        |       |       |       +Violant of Aragon queen of Castile
        |       |       |       |---Ferdinand infante of Castile
        |       |       |           +Blanche of France b. 1253, d. 1323
        |       |       |---Cunegund of Swabia d. 1248
        |       |       |   +Wenceslaus I King of Bohemia d. 1253
        |       |       |   |---Premysl Ottokar II King of Bohemia d. 1278
        |       |       |       +Cunigunde Rostislavna d. 1285
        |       |       |       |---Wenceslaus II King of Bohemia and Poland d. 1305
        |       |       |           +Judith of Habsburg b. 1271, d. 1297
        |       |       |           |---Wenceslaus III king of Bohemia, Poland, and Hungary b. 1289, d. 1306
        |       |       |           +Ryksa of Poland b. 1288, d. 1335
        |       |       |---Maria of Swabia
        |       |           +Henry II duke of Brabant
        |       |---Judith/Bertha of Swabia
        |           +Matthias duke of Lorraine
        |---Henry V Emperor d. 1125
            +Matilda of England Empress, Countess of Anjou d. 1167

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