A letter of confirmation


Thomasina Morosini



Translated letter:

We, lady Thomasina, by the grace of God mother of the illustrious king of Hungary, duchess of all Slavonia et governor of the parts beyond the Danube as far as the sea, we give for the memory that count Peter, son of Deniponji and Gregory, son of Kohodyy, for John, son of Bech of Kuelges their relative, as they said, on the one hand, standing before us, and master Lawrence, Philip, and Ladislaus, sons of master Philpus on the other, arranged among themselves such exchange of certain hereditary possessions, that the said sons of master Philpus gave and conferred a certain possession called Zeneboogh (Szevejbok) or Francheusfeldy, then a portion of theirs beside the river Karasó, with all its uses and appurtenances on John, son of Becha and his heirs and their successor heirs to be possessed perennially; on the other side, said John gave and conferred the portion he had in Keuelges with two villages on said sons of master Philpus to be held and possessed continually.  The sons of master Philpus also agreed that they will keep that John and his successors unchangeably in peaceful possession, and their successors [will do] the same.  If however they cannot disengage all from intervening claims, John and his people will remain in peaceful possession of said land, they will satisfy the claims by money or other possession, as will be suitable.  And to doing all these [both] parts obliged themselves by free will.  Dated in Pozsegavár on the octave of mid-Lent, in the thousand twohundred ninetysixth year of the lord.

Original letter:

Nos domina Th[omasina] dei gracia mater illustris regis Hungarie, ducissa tocius Sclauonie, et gubernatrix parcium citradanubialium vsque maritima damus pro memoria, quod comes Petrus filius Deniponji et Gregoius filius Kohodyy pro Johanne filio Becha de Kuelges cognato suo, sicut dixerunt, coram nobis constituti ab vna parte et magister Laurencius, Philippus, Ladizlaus filii magistri Philpus ab altera, super quibusdam possessionibus hereditariis tale concambium inter se ordinauerunt, quod dicti filii magistri Philpus quandam possessionem suam Zeneboogh uel Francheusfeldy vocatam, porcionem tamen suam iuxta fluuium Karaso existentem, cum omnibus vtilitatibus et pertinenciis vniuersis dederunt et contulerunt Johanni filio Becha et suis heredibus heredumque suorum successoribus perhempniter possidendum; e conuerso autem prefatus Johannes porcionem suam in Keuelges habitam cum duabus villis dedit et contulit dictis filiis magistri Philpus tenendam iugiter et habendam.  Assumpserunt eciam filii magistri Philpus, quod in pacifica possessione ipsum Johannem et suos successores inmutabiliter conseruabunt, et eorum successores illud idem.  Si autem ab impetitoribus superuenientibus expedire non possent, cum omni eo ipse Johannes et sui in pacifica possessione dicte terre permanebunt, impetitoribus vero siue in pecunia, seu de alia possessione sua satisfacient, sicut fuerit oportunum.  Et ad hec omnia facienda partes se spontanea obligauerunt voluntate.  Datum in Posegawar, in octauis medie XL-me(?), anno domini millesimo ducentesimo nonagesimo sexto.

Historical context:

The duchess confirms the arrangements in an exchange of land between two families.

Printed source:

Codex diplomaticus regni Croatiae, Dalmatiae et Slavoniae, ed. T. Smiciklas (Zagreb, 1904-34), 7.224, #205.  





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