A letter to Suger, abbot of St. Denis


Ida of Carinthia


Suger, abbot of St. Denis

Translated letter:

To her lord and friend, Suger, by the grace of God abbot of St. Denis, Ida, Countess of Nevers, [sends] greetings and obedience.

It is not hidden to your wisdom that I have been put in your care.  For my Lord is in the service of God and King, and injury to him, if anyone wrongs me or the men who are under the protection of my husband, falls to me.  Indeed someone from the city of Auxerre complains about certain men of Etampes, Galfred Crasso and his brother Ralph, who owe him ten and a half pounds of Orleans money and do not want to give it back.  When the lord King ordered them to give back the money, they were contemptuous.  Wherefor I ask you, as my lord, to have it restored.  What you will do about this, send [a message] back to me.  The guarantors of this money are Harduin, Felper, and Jachelin.

Original letter:

Domino suo et amico Sugerio, Dei gratia S. Dionysii abbati, I.  Nivernensis Comitissa, salutem et obsequium. N o n latet prudentiam vestram, me in vestra custodia remansisse. Dominus enim meus in servitio Dei et Regis est, ad cujus injuriam, si mihi vel hominibus qui ad tuitionem viri mei pertinent, aliquis malefecerit, spectat. Siquidem unus de civitate Autissiodorensi super quibusdam hominibus Stampensibus conqueritur, Gaufredo Crasso et Radulfo fratre ipsius, qui ei debent decem libras et dimidiam Aurelianensis monetae, et nolunt reddere: quam etiam pecuniam cum dominus Rex jussisset reddi, contempserunt. Unde vos rogo sicut dominum meum, ut eam restitui faciatis. Super quo quid facturus sitis, remandate mihi. Hujus autem pecuniae fidejussores sunt Harduinus, Felperius et Jachelinus.

Historical context:

The countess, acting as regent for her husband who is serving on crusade, asks the abbot to see that a debt is repaid by men who have denied not only her orders but the king’s.


Printed source:

HGF 15.491, Epistolae Sugerii, #21





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