A letter from Margaret of Constantinople, Countess of Flanders (1256, March 22)


Margaret of Constantinople, Countess of Flanders



Translated letter:

Margaret etc. to all etc. Although through our letters patent containing a certain plan we granted respite to Floris of Holland and his people and to the men of Zeeland from us and our people, for the duration of the Wednesday before “Rejoice O Jerusalem” and for three days following, and we chose a day, with the abbot of Does of the Cistercian order delivering the letters manifest of the same Floris concerning this, for the negotiation of peace between us on one side and on the other the said Floris, at Koudeheide on the preappointed day, as is contained more fully in our letters prepared thenceforth, we presently, on the advice imparted of upright men, have extended the period of time thus chosen at Koudeheide and we (will) assemble on the Sunday in which “Rejoice O Jerusalem” is sung for the whole day itself and for the duration of the following day for the negotiation of peace between us and the same Floris, as mentioned before, between Rupelmonde and Anterp, and we appoint the period, and we extend the respite/postponement between us and our (people) and the said Floris and his (people) for eight days following, namely for the duration of the Sunday on which is sung “These are the days,” and for the whole period and duration of the following day we sustain the respite between us and the mentioned Floris and his (people), so that the same Floris with his (people) should approach that place securely and may depart from Margaret etc. to all etc. Although through our letters patent containing a certain plan we granted respite to Floris of Holland and his people and to the men of Zeeland from us and our people, for the duration of the Wednesday before “Rejoice O Jerusalem” and for three days following, and we chose a day, with the abbot of Does of the Cistercian order delivering the letters manifest of the same Floris concerning this, for the negotiation of peace between us on one side and on the other the said Floris, at Koudeheide on the preappointed day, as is contained more fully in our letters prepared thenceforth, we presently, on the advice imparted of upright men, have extended the period of time thus chosen at Koudeheide and we (will) assemble on the Sunday in which “Rejoice O Jerusalem” is sung for the whole day itself and for the duration of the following day for the negotiation of peace between us and the same Floris, as mentioned before, between Rupelmonde and Anterp, and we appoint the period, and we extend the respite/postponement between us and our (people) and the said Floris and his (people) for eight days following, namely for the duration of the Sunday on which is sung “These are the days,” and for the whole period and duration of the following day we sustain the respite between us and the mentioned Floris and his (people), so that the same Floris with his (people) should approach that place securely and may depart from Margaret etc. to all etc. Although through our letters patent containing a certain plan we granted respite to Floris of Holland and his people and to the men of Zeeland from us and our people, for the duration of the Wednesday before “Rejoice O Jerusalem” and for three days following, and we chose a day, with the abbot of Does of the Cistercian order delivering the letters manifest of the same Floris concerning this, for the negotiation of peace between us on one side and on the other the said Floris, at Koudeheide on the preappointed day, as is contained more fully in our letters prepared thenceforth, we presently, on the advice imparted of upright men, have extended the period of time thus chosen at Koudeheide and we (will) assemble on the Sunday in which “Rejoice O Jerusalem” is sung for the whole day itself and for the duration of the following day for the negotiation of peace between us and the same Floris, as mentioned before, between Rupelmonde and Anterp, and we appoint the period, and we extend the respite/postponement between us and our (people) and the said Floris and his (people) for eight days following, namely for the duration of the Sunday on which is sung “These are the days,” and for the whole period and duration of the following day we sustain the respite between us and the mentioned Floris and his (people), so that the same Floris with his (people) should approach that place securely and may depart from there securely, and we and our (people will do) likewise for the negotiation concerning the disputes and controversies held between us and those same ones; nevertheless we omit from this respite all those who have been banned from our land for extreme transgression, nor do we wish that on account of the respite made by us, men from the land of Zeeland and Holland should have license to come to our land in the meantime, unless for the negotiation of peace on the said day and place, as expressed above, nor will our men likewise be able to enter the land of Floris except in a certain degree in the way stipulated above.(1)

Original letter:

Margareta et cetera omnibus et cetera. Cum nos Florentio de Hollandia et suis et hominibus Zelandie per nostras patentes litteras certam formam continentes respectum dederimus de nobis et nostris usque ad feriam quartam ante Letare Iherusalem et per tres dies proximos subsequentes, et diem collegerimus cum abbate de Thosan, Cysterciensis ordinis, expressas eiusdem Florentii super hoc litteras deferente ad tractandum de pace inter nos ex parte una et dictum Florentium ex altera apud Koudeheide die prefixa, prout in litteris nostris inde confectis plenius continetur, nos postmodum proborum virorum communicato consilio diem sic collectam apud Koudelheide prorogavimus et colligimus ad dominicam qua cantatur Letare Iherusalem et per totam ipsam diem usque in crastinum ad tractandum de pace inter nos et eundem Florentium, ut premissum est, et assignamus diem inter Ruplemonde et Antwerpiam et prorogamus respectum inter nos et nostras et dictum Florentium et suos per octo dies proximos subsequentes, videlicet usque ad dominicam qua cantatur Isti sunt dies, et per totam diem usque in crastinum respectum sustinemus inter nos et Florentium memoratum et suos, ita quod idem Florentius cum suis accedere debent ibidem secure et possunt abhinc recedere secure, et nos et nostri similiter ad tractandum de querelis et controversiis inter nos habitis et eosdem; ab isto tamen respectu omnes illos excipimus qui pro enormi excessu de terra nostra sunt banniti, nec volumus quod per respectum a nobis factum homines de terra Zelandie et Hollandie licentiam habeant in terram nostram interim veniendi nisi ad tractandum de pace dicta die et loco prout superius est expressum, nec nostri similiter terram Florentii intrare poterunt aliquatenus nisi modo superius assignato.

Historical context:

The countess announces a postponement of the date for negotiating peace between herself and Floris of Holland. Floris wrote affirming the agreement, ep.1092.

Scholarly notes:

1 The translation was provided by Ashleigh Imus.

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch (Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoo, 1970), 3.5-8, ep. 1091


1256, March 22



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