A letter to William Gil of Marcelaco


Guillelma of Montpellier


William Gil of Marcelaco

Translated letter:

Chirograph, divided by letters of the alphabet, in which it is noted – in the year 1167 from the incarnation of the Lord – that Guillelma viscountess of Nîmes gave, for herself and her son, “water to be taken from the fountain of Bouillargues on the night of St. John, annually, always and perpetually” to William Gil of Marcelaco, his children and successors, to be accepted according to the usual conditions.  “And I, Bernard Ato approve and agree to this.  Witnesses of this are:  Bertrand Garcin, John Ulric, with four others.  Peter the Small wrote it.”  

Original letter:

Chirographum, per litteras alphabeti divisum, quo notum fit, -- anno ab incarnatione Domini Mo Co LXo VIIo, -- Guillelmam Nemausensem vicecomitissam, pro se et filio suo, “aquam et pati de fonte de Boilanicis in nocte sancti Johannis, annuatim, semper et perpetualiter” Villelmo Gili de Marcelaco, ejusque infantibus et successoribus, ad acaptum, solitis conditionibus, donasse. – “Et ego Bernardus Ato hoc idem aprobo et laudo.  Hujus rei sunt testes:  Bertrandus Garcinus, Johannes Ulricuc, cum quatuor aliis.  Petrus Parvus scripsit.”

Historical context:

The record of a charter in which the countess gave permission to take water annually from a fountain to a man and his children.

Printed source:

Layettes du Trésor des Chartes, 1.95, #211.





This is an archived work created in 2024 and downloaded from Columbia University Academic Commons.