A letter to Orseth and Drocho


Raymond IV, count of Pallars
Valencia of Tost



Translated letter:

In the name of God.  This is the agreement that was made between count Raymond and countess Valencia and Orseth and Drocho in which count Raymond entrusts the castrum of Ovelon to them and gives it in fief to them in such a way as Raymon Sunyer gave it to Guitard Isarn and he holds it to count Raymond by that possession that Raymon Sunyer held it there.  And for all these said things Orseth agreed to count Raymond that he would be his man “better” [melius] than any man or woman, and do military service and cavalcades and assemblies as a man should do for his “better” [meliore] lord.  And Drocho would be “better” [melius] than any man to count Raymond except count Artal; and Orseth and Drocho would give fidelity to count Raymond; and they would give him power over that castrum of Ovelo as often as count Raymond asked or required it himself or through his messengers in right faith without deceiving count Raymond.  And if death should come to count Raymond, Orseth and Drocho would hold and keep these said agreements to his sons or daughters to whom [they came] in power by right faith without deception.  And moreover they agreed to count Raymond that if God gave count Raymond the land of Vallferrera, he would give the towns and castros to Orseth and Drocho in fief by his hand; and what was the allod of Orseth and Drocho he would give them as allod; and Orseth and Drocho would take the towns and castros in Vallferrera, or they give power over them to count Raymond, and he would take it in fief except what was the allod of Orseth and Drocho.  This agreement was made in the month of March in the year 28 of the reign of king Philip.  Sign+ of count Raymond.  Sign+ of Valencia, countess.  Sign+ of Orseth. Sign+ of Drocho.  Sign+ of Sunyer Ramon.

Original letter:

In Dei nomine.  Hec est conveniencia que est facta inter Raimundo comite et Valenza comitissa et Orseth et Drocho que comendat ad eos Raimundus comes ipso castro de Ovelon, et donat ad illos ipso fevo in tali modo, quomodo Raimundus Suniarius dedit ad Guitard Isarn, et Raimundo comite tenet ipsa indominicatura que Raimundus Suniarius ibi tenebat.  Et per ista omnia iam dicta convenit Orseth ad Raimundo comite che siat suus si melius que de nullo homine vel femina, et faciat ad eum hostes et cavalchadas et placitos quomodo homo debet facere ad suo meliore seniore. Et Drocho siat melius de Raimundo comite que de nullo homine extra de Artallo comite; et faciat fidelitate Orseht et Drocho ad Raimundo comite; et donent ad eum potestate de ipso castro de Ovelo per totas vices que Raimundo comite demandaverit aut requirerit per semetipso aut per suos missos per directa fide, sine suo enganno de Raimundo comite. Et si ad Raimundo comite mors advenerit, sic teneant et adtendant Orseth et Drocho ista conveniencia iam dicta ad suos filios vel filias ad quem potestate per directa fide, sine enganno. Et insuper, convenit Raimundo comite ad illos que, si Deus dederit ad Raimundo comite ipsa terra de Val Ferrera, villas atque castros que donet illa ad Orseth et Drocho per sua manu et per suum fevo; et ipsa qui fuit suum alode de Orset et de Drocho reddat ad illos per alode; et Urseth et Drocho prendent in Val Ferrera villas atque castros, aut faciunt, donent a Raimundo comite potestate de ea, et prendat illam per suo fevo extra ipsa qui fuit alode de Orset et de Drocho. Facta ista conveniencia in mense marcio anno XXVIII, regnante Philippo, rege. Sig+num Raimundo comite. Sig+num Valenza, comitissa. Sig+num Urseth. Sig+num Drocho. Sig+num Sunger Ramon. Sig+num Ramon Pere. Sig+num Ramon Bernard, Ramon Girbert, Mir Guerreta, visores et auditores fuerunt. Petrus, levita, scripsit.

Historical context:

Agreement between the count and countess and Orseth and Drocho over the castrum of Ovelo and of Valferrera if Raymond could seize it. Sunyer Ramon is count R’s brother. Castrum is the administrative district around and including a fortified castle.  Melior, melius seems to be similar to solidus, perhaps designating an exclusive feudal connection (see Bonnassie, La Catalogne, 2.744-45); Kosto (Making Agreements in medieval Catalonia 236),  translates it as “better”.


Printed source:

Liber Feudorum Maior, ed. F.M. Rosell (Barcelona, 1945), 1.108-09, #102.  


March, 1088



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