A letter of donation
Arnau Mir of TostArsenda
PublicTranslated letter:
In the name of Christ. I, Arnau and my spouse Arsenda, are the donors to that church of St. Michael which is located in the castrum of Montmagastre, one piece of vineyard which is walled, that came to us by purchase and all rights. And it is in the appurtenance of the castrum of Montmagastre in a place called Montmagastrell. It abuts on 1 side the waterway that runs from there, on another the orchard of William, on the 3rd the road, on 4th us, the donors. Whatever these abutments enclose and surround, we give that tract with its trees and its head waters to said church of St. Michael in its entirety, namely on the condition that those priests who will be in the service of God and the said St. Michael and will be there for all time hold it and have that fruit that it produces. Which, if we donors or any man should attack this charter of gift or alms to break it, he could not prevail, but would be compelled to pay double with all improvements and henceforth this charter would remain firm.
Which was enacted on the 12th kalends of November in the 11th year of the reign of king Henry. Sign+ of Arnau. Sign+ of Arsenda, we who ordered this charter to be written and signed it with our own hands and then gave it to witnesses to sign. Sign+ of Salla Imbla. Sign+ of Raymond William. Sign+ of Guilabert Seguin. Vitalis, priest, wrote it as asked on the day + and year above. Fruia, priest.
Original letter:
In Christi nomine. Ego Arnall et coniux mea Arsendis donatores sumus ad ipsa Ecclesia Sancti Mikaelis qui est situs in kastrum Momagastrum petia I de vinea qui est trilga, qui nobis advenit per empcionem omnesque per voces. Et est in apendicio de kastrum Momagastrum in locum que dicitur Momagastrelg. Abet afrontaciones de 1 parte in ipso rivo qui inde discurrit, de alia in orto de Guilgelm, de III in via, de IIII de nos donatores. Quantum iste afrontaciones ambiunt et circumeunt, donamus ipsa trilga cum suis arboribus et cum suo caput aquis ad ipsa Ecclesia supradicta Sancti Mikaelis ab intecrum in ea, videlicet, racione ut teneant illa et abeant ipsum fructum qui inde exierit ipsos sacerdotes qui erunt in servicio Dei et Sancti Mikaelis iamdicti et erunt stantes in ipsa Kannonica omnique tempore. Quod, si nos donatores aut ullus omo qui ista karta donacionis vel elemosinaria venerit ad inrumpendum, non hoc valeat vendicare, set in duplo cogatur persolvere cum omnem suam inmelioracionem et in antea ista karta firmis permaneat.
Que est acta XII kalendas november anno XI regnante Aianricho reie. Sig+num Arnall. Sig+num Arsendis, qui hanc karta scribere iussimus et manu propria firmavimus et postea testibus ad flrmandum tradimus. Sig+num Salla Imbla. Sig+num Remonn Guilgelm. Sig+num Guilabert Seguino. Vitalis, sacer, rogitus, scripsit et + die et annoque prefixo. Fruga, sacer.
Historical context:
Donation from the viscounts to the church of St. Michael of Montmagastre of a walled vineyard whose fruit is to go to the priests who live in the rectory
Printed source:
Pedro Sanahuja, Historia de la Villa de Ager (Barcelona: Editorial Seráfica, 1961), 321-22, #9.