A letter to Garin and Odilon


Douce of Gévaudan
Raymond Berenguer III



Translated letter:

Let it be known, etc, that I Raymond, count of Barcelona and of marquis of Provence and my wife Dulcia and our sons Raymond and Berengar are the donors to you Garin and Odilon, our faithful/vassals, and your wives and sons and daughters as perpetual castrum which is called Rando, so that you may have and hold it as fief from our hand, you and yours through us in fidelity to us, with its exits, etc.  Moreover, we add the honor and fief of William of Petra, to you as he approved and gave to you with his daughters.  All these you will confirm under oath to us and ours and you and yours will give the power to us and ours within 10 days as often as we shall [ask] by ourselves and by our messengers, and our messengers who sought the power would not have fear of you and yours, and you would not  refuse your presence to give that power to us and ours, nor would you flee our or our messengers’ summons.  S[ign] of Theobald. S[ign] of count Raymond. S[ign] of countess Dulcia. S[ign] of Raymond and Berengar our sons, we who had this charter made etc.  It was enacted on this 4th nones of April, in the 17th year of the reign of king Louis, in the year 1126 from the incarnation of the Lord.


Original letter:

Notum sit, &c., quod ego Raymundus comes Barchinouae & Provinciae marchio & conjux mea Dulcia & filii nostri Raymundus & Berengarius donatores sumus vobis Garino & Odiloni fidelibus nostris & uxoribus vestris & filiis & filiabus vestris in perpetuum castrum quod vocatur Rando, ut habeatis & teneatis illud per feudum per manum nostram vos & vestri per nos ad fidelitatem nostram cum exitibus, &c. Insuper adjicimus vobis honorem & feudum Guillelmi de Petra, sicut laudavit & donavit vobis cum filiabus suis. Haec autem omnia sub sacramento firmabitis nobis & nostris & potestatem dabitis vos & vestri nobis & nostris quantas vices infra x dies quae fuerimus per nos & per nostros nuncios, & non habeant nuncii nostri qui potestatem quaesierint ullum timorem de vobis & de vestris, & non vetetis vestram praesentiam pro potestate dare nobis & nostris, nec fugiatis commonitionem nostram & nunciorum nostrorum. S. Theobaldi. S. Raymundus comes. S. Dulcia comitissa. S. Raymundi & Berengarii filiorum, qui hanc cartam confecimus, &c. Actum est hoc iv nonas aprilis, anno xvii regni Ludovici regis, anno ab Incarnatione Domini mcxxvi.


Historical context:

A  donation by the count and countess of a castrum to Garin and Odilon.  A castrum is an administrative unit with a fortification/castle at the center.

Printed source:

Histoire Générale de Languedoc, 5.886, #471, CCCLXXXIV.VI.  





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