A letter from Fortunatus (after 567)




Agnes, abbess of the Holy Cross
Radegund of Thuringia

Translated letter:

How shall I first inscribe the parent fixed in piety, where the twin mothers, and one [sister?] are? Rank puts her first, who is younger in years; graver age favors these with the law of seniority. But to me it is sweet to send greetings equally, since the love for you is one and dear. Happy the table which retains three lights equally and makes paschal good multiply! With the angelic assemblage participating may the delights in the region of god give you joy.

Original letter:

Quam prius inscribam fixam pietate parentem, quo geminae matres, extat et una [soror]? hanc proponit honor, quae iunior extat in annis; his aetas gravior iure senile favet. sed mihi dulce tribus pariter mandare salutem, est quoniam vobis carus et unus amor. felix quae retinet pariter tria lumina mensa et paschale bonum multiplicare facit! angelico coetu sic participante fruantur deliciae vobis in regione dei.

Historical context:

Bishop Venantius Fortunatus met Radegund and Agnes, whom Radegund had had installed as her abbess, when he visited Poitiers. They became good friends and exchanged epistolary poems and small gifts until the women died. After her death, Fortunatus wrote a life of Radegund emphasizing her ascetic qualities.

Printed source:

Venanti Fortunati Opera Poetica, ed. Fridericus Leo (Berlin: Weidmann, 1881), 284, Appendix, xiv.


after 567



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