

Date of Death
after 869


(See also Genealogical Table(s): 1.)
Waldrada was a noble daughter of the Eticho clan. She was the mistress of Lothar II, and bore him a son, Hugh, and daughters Gisela and Bertha. Their union had preceded Lothar's marriage to Theutberga and he later claimed that it constituted a marriage. They were formally married in 862, after Lothar had put Theutberg aside with the support of local bishops, but the marriage was voided by pope Nicholas I. In 865 Lothar was compelled to take Theutberg back, but he never accepted the situation and died in 869 on his way back from Rome where he had gone to gain the support of the new pope Hadrian II in his attempts to marry Waldrada and legitimize their son. Waldrada retired to Remiremont and was restored to communion by Hadrian II.

Letters to Waldrada

A letter from Hadrian II (868)



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