A letter from Marguerite of Provence (1263)


Marguerite of Provence


Alphonse of Poitiers

Translated letter:

Marguerite, by the grace of God queen of the French, to the illustrious man, her dearest brother Alphonse, son of the king of Fance, count of Poitiers and Toulouse, greetings and the affection of sincere love. Since the illustrious king and queen of England, our dearest sister, and lord Edward, our dearest nephew, charge their friends [to be at] Saint-Omer in Flanders one month after the next feast of St. Martin, and we have understood that you have galleys at La Rochelle, we ask and request that you give us the aid and support of those galleys, at the expense of said king of England, letting your bailiffs of Poitiers and La Rochelle know by your letters which you send us with the bearer of the presents, that they should turn over said galleys to our messengers and lend their counsel and aid to our messengers, so that we may have ships and vessels that are in those parts, at the expense of said king of England, acting so that we may be grateful to you. Dated Saint-Germain-en-Laye, on the eve of All Saints. You may believe our beloved knight, T., bearer of the presents, in what he will tell you beyond this about said matter on our behalf.

Original letter:

Margarita, Dei gratia Francorum regina, illustri viro et karissimo fratri suo Alfonso, filio regis Francie, comiti Pictavie et Tholose, salutem et sincere dilectionis affectum. Cum illustres rex, regina Anglie, soror nostra karissima, ac dominus Eduardus, nepos noster karissimus, mandent amicos suos apud Sanctum A[u]domarum in Flandria ad unum mensem post proximum festum beati Martini, nosque intellexerimus vos habere galeas apud Ruppellam, rogamus vos et requirimus quatinus, ad expensas dicti regis Anglie, de ipsis galeis nobis velitis facere subsidium et succursum, intimantes ballivis vestris Pictavie et Rupelle per vestras litteras, quas nobis mittatis per latorem presencium, quod nunciis nostris tradi dictas galeas faciant et quod predictis nostris, nunciis suum prestent consilium et juvamen , ad hoc quod possimus habere de navibus et vasis in illis partibus exhistentibus, ad dicti regis Anglie expensas, tantum autem inde facientes quod vobis teneamur ad merita gratiarum. Datum apud Sanctum Germanum in Laia, in vigilia Omnium sanctorum. — Credatis dilecto T., militi nostro, latori presentium, super hiis que vobis dixerit ex parte nostra de dicto negocio.

Historical context:

Once again the queen asks her husband's brother to make ships available to help the king and queen of England, her sister and brother-in-law (cf. ep.2015, 510.html). This time, though he continues to assert that he has no available ships of his own, Alphonse will agree to ask his men to receive the requests favorably, if they have ships, though he can not compel them (ep.2019, 1092.html).

Printed source:

Correspondance Administrative d'Alfonse de Poitiers, ed. Auguste Molinier (Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1894), Collection de Documents indédits sur l'Histoire de France, 2.542-43, ep.2017





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