A letter from Gregory VII, pope (1079, March 3)


Gregory VII, pope


Matilda of Tuscany, countess of Tuscany, duchess of Lorraine

Translated letter:

Gregory, bishop, servant of the servants of God to his beloved daughter in Christ Matilda, greetings and apostolic blessing. Since you sent to us wanting to know the will of our spirit on the matter of duke Theoderic (of Upper Lorraine) wishing to marry a certain wife of the marquis Petronius, we report to you that he is not yet known to us nor is she so entrusted to us that we want to do anything about it. About that duke you revealed that if it pleased us he would attempt to make peace between us and king Henry. On this we respond thus: the legate of the king swore in the presence of the universal synod according to the command of his lord that he would comply in all things with our orders. I believe it is not concealed from your knowledge that for that reason and hope we have already sent our legates. On the excommunication of the oftmentioned duke by the bishop of Metz, so that you are not unaware, know that we have given our consent to that sentence and confirmed it, unless within twenty days after he receives our charge, he obeys our commands and sets free the city and goods of St. Stephen which he unjustly invaded, and makes satisfaction to the church. Rome, 5th Nones of March.

Original letter:

Gregorius episcopus servus servorum Dei dilecte in Christo filie Mathildi salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Quoniam animi nostri voluntatem super ea re scire cupiens misisti nobis, quod Theodericus dux optaret sibi coniugio copulare quondam uxorem marchionis Petroni, mandamus tibi: ille non est adeo notus nobis, nec illa nobis ita commissa, ut aliquid inde agere velimus. De eodem duce item significasti, quod, si placeret nobis, de componenda pace inter nos et Heinricum regem se intromitteret. Super hoc itaque respondemus: legatus regis in presentia universalis synodi iuravit ex precepto domini sui eum nostris mandatis per omnia obtemperaturum. Ea quoque de causa et spe nos iam misisse legatos nostros credo tuam scientiam non latere. Excommunicatum vero iam sepedictum ducem ab episcopo Mettensi quia non ignoras, nos sententie in illum prolate noveris assensum dedisse et eam firmavisse, nisi infra viginti dies, postquam mandata nostra resciverit, iussis nostris oboedierit et nisis civitatem et bona sancti Stephani, que iniuste invasit, libera dimiserit et ecclesie satisfecerit. Data Rome V Nonas Martii, Indictione II.

Historical context:

The letter discusses a proposed marriage, a proposed negotiation, and an excommunication.

Printed source:

Register Gregors VII, MGH, EpSel, ed. Erich Caspar, ep.6.22 p.434-35, also in HGF 14, ep.101, p.629-30.


1079, March 3



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