A letter from William Ez and Gilbert Ez


Gilbert Ez
William Ez


Raymond IV, count of Pallars
Valencia of Tost

Translated letter:

In the name of God.  This is the agreement which was made between count Ramon and countess Valencia and William Ez and Gilbert Ez.  They agreed to count Raymond that he would have [the right] to enter and leave the castrum of Castellet and make war against all men or women and in one named lodging for each one who is there or would come, 1 ff. of barley and 2 round cakes, and meat for 5 men of 4 argents’ worth (argencios).  And from this named castrum he can choose no other patron but count Raymond and his sons and posterity, and if you changed this castrum for another place, count Raymond would have the whole in this castrum as he and his posterity would have in this.  And count Raymond defines those purchases which those men from Castelet have made within the boundaries of Llimingana to this day from William Ez and Gilbert Ez; and from this day forward those men of Castelet may not make a purchase in the boundaries of Llimingana, except by the will or order of count Raymond.  And the men of Castelet work from the bank of Barcelona up to the field of Monte Sicco, and go to the castrum of Castelet with their labor and their tithe; and the men of Llimingana and its boundaries and appurtenances as much as they work in Monte, so they must agree with Llimingana and their boundaries for their labor and their tithe.  And all those men of count Raymond who live from Grado to the trough of Nogaria, have the permission in Monte Sicco as written above, and the allod of Staga as William Ez and Gilbert Ez have and hold it in the way they have and ought to have it today.  This agreement was made on 11th kalends of December, in the 28th year of the reign of king Philip.  Sign+ of count Raymond. Sign+ of Valencia, countess, we who asked that this agreement  be written and that witnesses sign it.  Sign+ of Ramon Bernard. So Perru (sic).  Sign+ of Sunyer Raymond. Sign+ of Pero Mir.  These are witnesses.  I, Arnau, priest, wrote this as asked on the day and year above.

Original letter:

In Dei nomine. Hec est conveniencia qui est facta inter Raimundo comite et Valencia comitissa et Guilelm Ez et Guilabert Ez. Conveniunt ad Raimundo comite quod abeat in ipso castro de Castellet intrare et exire et guerreiare contra totos homines vel feminas et uno recepto nomi­nate de unusquisque qui ibi stant ant aventuros fuerint 1 ff. d ordio et 11 fogazas, et infra v homines carne de IIII argencios. Et de ipso castro supranominato non posseat alium patronum eligere, si non est Raimundo comite et suos filios et sua posterita, et si isto castro mutaveris in alio loco, sicut habeant Raimundo comite in ipso castro hoc totum, quomodo in isto agren ille et sua posterita. Et deffinit Raimundo comite a Guilem Eiz et a Guilabert Eiz ipsas comparas que habent factas illos homines de ipso Castelet infra termines de Limingana ad isto die; et de isto die in <ante> non faciat compara supra terminos de Limingana illos homines de ipso Castelet, si non est per sua voluntate aut per suo mandamento de Raimundo comite. Et de ipso rivo de Barcedona usque in ipso campum de Monte Sicco laborent ipsos homines de illo Castelet, et vadant ad ipso castro de illo Castelet cum suam laborem et suam decimam ; et homines de Limingana et de suis terminis et pertinenciis de quantum laborant in Monte, sic conveniant se a Limingana et a suis terminis apud suam laborancia et suam decimam. Et totos ipsos homines de Raimundo comite qui habitant de Grado usque in alveum Nogaria, sic habent licenciam in Monte Sicco quomodo superius scriptum est, et de ipso alode de Staga sicut habeant et tenea[n]t Guilem Ez et Guilabert Ez, quomodo hodie habent et habere debent. Facta ista conveniencia XI kal. decembris anno XXVIII regnante Philippo, rege. Sig+num Raimundo co­mite. Sig+num Valencia, comitissa, qui ista conveniencia rogavimus scribere et testes firmare. Sig+num Ramon Bernard. Sic Perru (sic). Sig+num Sugner Remondo. Sig+num Pero Mir. Isti sunt testes. Arnallus, presbiter, rogatus scripsi et die et anno qui supra.

Historical context:

Agreement between the count and countess and William Ez and Gilbert Ez over the castrum of Castelleto in which they gave him lodging rights.  A castrum is an administrative district including a castle, a fortification. 

Printed source:

 Liber Feudorum Maior,  1.110, #104.  


1087, November 21.



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