A letter from Henry III, king of England (1229)


Henry III, king of England


Blanche of Castile, queen of France

Translated letter:

The king to his beloved relation Blanche, by the same grace illustrious queen of France, greetings. We send to our lord and relation Louis, illustrious king of France your son, the venerable father, etc., named before, to whom we have given power to treat of making peace between that king your son and us and to make that peace between him and us. Witnessed as above [by the king at Hamsted on the 5th day of April].

Original letter:

Rex dilecte consanguinee sue B. eadem gratia regine Francorum illustri, salutem. Mittimus ad dominum et consanguineum nostrum L. regem Francorum illustrem filium vestrum, venerabilem patrem etc. quibus potestatem dedimus ad tractandum de pace inter ipsum regem filium vestrum et nos facienda, et ad ipsam pacem inter ipsum et nos faciendam. Teste ut supra.

Historical context:

The letter states that Henry, Blanche’s cousin, is sending envoys to Blanche’s son, the king of France, to negotiate and make peace between them. The men are named in a letter from Henry to the papal legate, Cardinal Romano, (Rymer, Foedera, 1.309): A. bishop of Coventry and Litchfield, Ralph, son of his seneschal Nicolas, and Nicholas de Molis, a knight in his service.

Printed source:

Patent Rolls, 2.244; Rymer, Foedera, 1.310.





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