
Jāsim Muḥammad Kaẓim, Ahl al-dhimmah fī al-mujtamaʿ al-Baghdādī fī al-ʿahdayn al-Buwayhī wa-al-Saljūqī

Yarbrough, Luke

This book belongs to a subfield that has emerged over the past h a l f - c e n t u r y i n A r a b o p h o n e historical scholarship. We might call it “non-Muslim studies.” It is first cousin to that historiography which has focused on particular non-Muslim religious communities—usually Jews or Christians—in relation to some period of Islamic history (think of Louis Cheikho’s pioneering work on Christian poets, scholars, and state officials, or Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd al-Ḥamad’s Dawr al-yahūd fī al-ḥaḍārah al-islāmiyyah [al-Raqqah, 2006]). But “non-Muslim studies” treats non-Muslims trans-communally, usually in their legal personality, as ahl al-dhimmah.


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Al-ʿUsur al-Wusta

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Academic Units
Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies
Published Here
August 17, 2022