The record of a donation


Clementia of Burgundy, countess of Flanders
Robert II, count of Flanders



Translated letter:

Robert, count of Flanders, son of count Robert the bearded, his wife Clementia and his son Baldwin, gave to God and St. Peter and the Cluniac brothers serving God in Lihons, the part they had of Harbonnières, namely the whole that Robert of Péronne and his wife Adelaide held from them in said town, at their request.  About which gift they ordered this charter to be made and confirmed it by their hand.  Sign of the said count, Sign of the countess, Sign of their son.  Witnesses:  abbot of Molomens (?), Robert of Bethune, Onulf seneschal, Baldric of Culhem, Amulric of Nevia, Hosto butler, Wilerm castellan of St. Audomar, Hachet of Brugges, Baldwin chamberlain, Siger of Lillers, Thibaut of Ypres.

Original letter:

Robertus, comes Flandrie, filius Roberti Barbati comitis, uxor ejus Clementia et filius ejus Balduinus dederunt Deo et sancto Petro et fratribus Cluniacensibus in loco Lehunensi Deo servientibus, partem quam habebant de Harboneriis, totum videlicet quod Robertus de Perrona et uxor ejus Adheleidis de eis  in supradicta villa tenebant, precatu scilicet eorum. De quo dono cartam hanc fieri jusserunt et manu sua corroboraverunt. Signum predicti comitis, Signum comitisse, Signum filii eorum. Testes: abbas Molomensis, Robertus de Betunia, Onulfus senescalcus, Baldricus de Culhem, Amulricus de Nevia, Hosto botelarius, Wilermus castellanus de Sancto Audomaro, Hachet de Brugis, Balduinus camerarius, Sigerus de Lilerio, Teboldus de Ipra.


Historical context:

The comital family gives land held from them by a couple in Harbonnières, at their request, to a Cluniac priory in Lihons.  This document is a record of the donation.

Printed source:

F. Vercauteren, Actes des Comtes de Flandres, 1071-1128 (Brussels:  Palais des Academies 1938), #33 p.97-99.


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