A letter from Gregory VII, pope (04/1074)


Gregory VII, pope


Matilda of Flanders, duchess of Normandy, queen of England

Translated letter:

Gregory, bishop, servant of the servants of God, to Matilda, queen of the English, greetings and apostolic blessing. Having heard the letters from your nobility, beloved daughter, we understood that your generosity is intent on love and humility, which we receive joyfully as indication and certain hope of your salvation. For we believe that her salvation is indeed not to be doubted, who is known to serve from the heart with humility and love, in which the law is completely contained. We expect, we deeply desire with all our mind to receive these and similar gifts from you, that, as you are noble by blood, you may live more nobly in the honorable custom of the saints. Urge your husband, do not cease to suggest useful things to his soul. For it is certain that, if the infidel husband is saved by a believing wife, as the apostle says, a believing husband can be made better by a believing wife. Given at Rome, 2nd Nones of April.

Original letter:

Gregorius episcopus servus servorum Dei Mathildi regine Anglorum salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Auditis nobilitatis tue litteris liberalitatem tuam, filia dilecta, dilectioni et humilitati invigilare intellegimus, ex quibus tue salutis indicium et spem certam hilariter accepimus. Non quippe dubitandum de eius salute fore credimus, que humilitati et dilectioni, in qua lex ex toto continetur, ex corde inservire dinoscitur. Munera hec et similia a te expectamus, immo toto mentis desiderio accipere cupimus, ut, que nobilis es sanguine, nobilior vivas sanctorum more honestate. Insta viro tuo, anime utilia suggerere ne desinas. Certum enim est, si vir infidelis per mulierem fidelem, ut ait apostolus, salvatur, vir etiam fidelis per mulierem fidelem in melius augmentatur. Data Rome II. Nonas Aprilis, Indictione XII.

Historical context:

Gregory responds to a letter from Matilda with praise and encouragement to inspire her husband to good.

Printed source:

MGH, Epistolae Selectae, Das Register Gregors VII, ed. Erich Caspar (Berlin: Weidmann, 1920-23), ep.1.71, p.102-03, dated April 1074.





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