A letter from Gerberga


Gerberga, countess of Provence


Douce of Gévaudan
Raymond Berenguer III

Translated letter:

We wish to bring to the notice of all men that I, Gerberga, countess of Arles, give to you (s), Raymond Berenguer, count, my daughter Dulcia in marriage, with all my honor and with that honor that was count Gerbert’s, father of the girl, so that you (pl) may have and possess it, you and your children, your progeny and posterity, for all time, without the obstacle of any opposition, namely Provence, what I have there and ought to have, and the county of Gévaudan and the viscounty of Carladet and every honor that I have in the county of Rouergue, as count Gerbert had and ought to have it, and I, countess Gerberga, have and ought to have it.  All the aforesaid came to me, countess Gerberga partly by the authority of my parents, partly by the generosity of my husband count Gerbert.  If anyone attempted to disrupt this generosity, he would without doubt not prevail, but must pay doubly all the aforesaid and this would remain always undisturbed.  This was enacted on the 3rd nones of February in the 4th year of the reign of king Louis.  Sign+ of Gerberga, countess, I who made this donation and signed it and asked the subscribed witnesses to sign it.  Sign+ of Gaufred Porcelleti.  Sign+ of Bernard Bertrandi.  Sign+ of Ollebert of Canilag.

Original letter:

Ad cunctorum noticiam hominum deducere volumus quod ego, Ger­berga, comitissa Arelatensis, trado tibi, Raimundo Berengarii, comiti, filiam meam in coniugium, nomine Dulcem, cum omni honore meo et cum illo honore qui fuit Girberti, comitis, patris puelle, ut habeatis et possideatis vos et filii vestri, progenies atque posteritas vestra, omni tem­pore absque alicuius contrarietatis obstaculo, nominatim Provinciam, quam ibi habeo et habere debeo, et comitatum Gavallanensem et vicecomitatum Carladensem et omnem honorem quem habeo in comitatu Rutense, sicut fuit Girberti, comitis, et habuit et habere debuit, et ego, cocomitissa (sic) Gerberga, habeo et habere debeo. Advenerunt, autem, mihi, comitisse Gerberge, prescripta omnia, partim voce parentum meorum, partim largicione viri mei Girberti, comitis. Hanc, nimirum, largicionem si quis disrumpere tentaverit, non valeat, sed componat in duplo prelibata omnia, et hoc semper maneat inconvulsum. Actum est hoc iii nonas februarii anno iiii regni Ledovici, regis. Sig+num Gerberge, comitisse, que hanc donacionem feci et firmavi testibusque subscriptis firmare rogavi. Sig+num Gaufredi Porcelleti. Sig+num Bernardi Ber­trandi. Sig+num Olleberti de Canilag.

Historical context:

Act in which countess Gerberga gives her daughter Douce/Dulcia to Raymond, count of Barcelona, with her possessions in Provence and Gévaudan, Carladet and Rouergue to be held by both of them.  The document is not addressed to Douce, but since it is a marriage contract that involves her, I include it here.

Printed source:

Liber Feudorum Maior  2.346, #876


1112, February 3



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