A letter from Aleid


Aleid/Adelaide of Holland


Gerard of Ostend

Translated letter:

Aleid, wife of the late lord John of Avesnes, protectress of Holland and Zeeland, to Gerard of Ostend, greetings in the Lord.

We order you not to exact any tax or tribute either yourself or through another from the abbot and convent of St. Bernard for the sixty measures of land lying in the parish of Shore, but that you keep them free and unharmed over these, since our lord and lord brother W[illiam] of illustrious memory, king of the Romans, granted them to hold them freely.

Dated in the 1259th year of the Lord, Friday  before the Purification of the blessed Virgin.

Original letter:

Aleidis quondam uxor domini Iohannis de Auesnis, Hollandie et Zelandie tutrix Gerardo de Hoestende salutem in Domino.

Mandamus tibi quatinus ab abbate et conventu Beati Bernardi de sexaginta mensuris terrarum in parrochia de Score iacentium scotum aut exaxiones aliquas per te vel per alium exigi non facias sed ipsos super hiis liberos ac idempnes observes, quia dominus noster ac frater dominus W. clare memorie Romanorum rex libere eas eisdem possidendas concessit.

Datum anno Domino M°CC°L° nono, feria sexta ante Purificationem beate Virginis.

Historical context:

Aleid writes to protect the freedom of a monastery from taxation, as her brother had granted.

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch, 3.235, #1228.


1260, January 30



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