
Knowledge and attitudes towards ambulatory treatment of tuberculоsis in Kazakhstan

Darisheva, Meruyert; Tracy, Melissa; Terlikbayeva, Assel; Zhussupov, Baurzhan; Schluger, Neil; McCrimmon, Tara

Ambulatory based treatment of tuberculosis has been recently introduced in Kazakhstan. We sought to assess the attitudes of the general population, TB patients and their household members towards ambulatory TB treatment and identify how knowledge of TB is associated with these attitudes.

New pulmonary TB cases and their household and community controls were recruited from three regions of Kazakhstan in 2012–2014. 1083 participants completed audio computer-assisted self interviews to assess their knowledge of TB and attitudes towards ambulatory care. Mixed effects logistic regression models were used to identify factors associated with attitudes toward ambulatory TB treatment.

The proportion of people who considered ambulatory TB treatment as appropriate was very low (24.9%). Positive attitudes towards ambulatory TB treatment were significantly associated with region of residence, higher level of education, family support and experience with TB. The association between sufficient tuberculosis knowledge and favorable attitude toward ambulatory treatment was stronger among community controls compared to TB patients and their family members.

This study provides insight into attitudes toward ambulatory TB treatment among different groups and the specific influence of TB knowledge on these attitudes. Our findings can inform the process of integration of new TB treatment strategies and the development of appropriate education and advocacy programs in the general population.

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BMC Health Services Research

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Published Here
December 20, 2022


Tuberculosis, TB treatment, Kazakhstan, TB attitude, TB knowledge