
Recombination of Au20+ at low electron-ion collision energies

Schippers, S; Bernhardt, D; Grieser, M; Hahn, M; Krantz, C; Lestinsky, M; Novotný, O; Repnow, R; Savin, Daniel Wolf; Wolf, A; Müller, A

The rate coefficient for the recombination of Au20+ with free electrons was measured in the electron–ion collision energy range of 0–10 eV by employing the electron–ion merged-beams technique at the heavy-ion storage ring TSR of the Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, Germany. In contrast to earlier measurements with more highly charged Au25+ (Hoffknecht et al 1998 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 31 2415), sharp dielectric recombination resonance features are observed.


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Astronomy and Astrophysics
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March 15, 2023