A letter of donation


Boleslaw V
Gremislava of Lutsk


Prandota, bishop of Kraków

Translated letter:

Since the favor of equity compels the vigor of reason to give willing consent to the just desires of petitioners.  So it is that we, Boleslaw by divine disposition duke of Kraków and Sandomierz together with our mother, having seen the devotion of our father Prandota, bishop of Kraków and the worthy service of the church of Kraków, [we] wish to respond to the willing desire of his petition and particularly, given the word of the Apostle saying that we will all stand before the tribunal of Christ to be received according to whether we have done good or evil on the day of the Last Judgment, striving to anticipate meanwhile by good works and for the remedy of the soul of the noble prince our father and ours, we grant a part of the estate/town of Bolechowice in our duchy to the said Bishop and his canonically appointed successors to possess in perpetuity with full right.  And lest anyone try to impede this donation of ours or to oppose it with bold daring, we wish to commend it by the present written memory henceforth and fortify it by the protection of our seal.  Enacted on the feast of St. Margaret in the church of St. Venceslas, in the year of the lord 1243, first indiction 13 July.  In the presence of the venerable man … [Fulco] archbishop of Gniezno, Vito provost of Kraków, Clement palatine of Kraków, Pancoslaw senior castellan of Sandomierz and Michael castellan of Kraków and Sando castellan of Wislica, Nicholas castellan of Biecz  (Beycz) and Wrzga castellan of Sandec and Stephen castellan of Czechov, Peter castellan of Wynicz and other minors (brothers).

Original letter:

Quia iustis petencium desiderijs fauor equitatis vigor racionis gratum exigit impartiri consensum.  Inde est quod Nos diuina disposicione Boleslaus dux Cracouie et Sandomirie una cum matre nostra.  Inspecta deuocione venerabilis patris nostri Pandothe Cracouiensis Episcopi et Ecclesie Cracouiensis dignisque ipsorum obsequijs grato volumus ipsius peticionis desiderio respondere et maxime dicto Apostoli innitentes dicentis. quod omnes stabimus ante Christi tribunal recepturi siue bonum gerimus siue malum diem messionis extreme bonis interim operibus preuenire et ob remedium anime Nobilis principis patris nostri et nostrorum partem ville de Bolechouicze nostro ducatui contingentem dicto Episcopo eiusque successoribus canonice intrantibus in perpetuum pleno Iure concedimus posidendam.  Et ne quis hanc nostram donacionem ualeat impedire aut ei ausu temerario contraire eam presenti scripto memorie volumus inposterum comendari et ipsam sigilli nostri munimine communiri.  Actum in festo sancte Margarethe in ecclesia sancti venceslai Anno domini M. CC. XLIII.  Indiccione prima XIII Intrante Iulio.  Presentibus venerabili viro …f.. Archiepiscopo Gneznensi.  Vito preposito Cracouiensi.  Clemente pallatino Cracouiensi.  Pancoslao seniore Castellano Sandomiriensi et Michaele Castellano Cracouiensi et Sandone Castellano Wisliciensi.  Nicolao Castellano de Beycz et Wrzga Castellano de Sandecz et Stephano Castellano de Czechov.  Petro Castellano de Woynicz et alijs minoribus.

Historical context:

Together with her son the duchess donates part of the estate of Bolechowice to Bishop Prandota Odrowąż of Kraków. I am grateful to Natalia Zajac for alerting me to this text.

Printed source:

Monumenta Medii Aevi Historica Res Gestas Poloniae Illustrantia,  4.34, #24.


1243, July 13



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