A letter from Gregory I, pope (07/0594)


Gregory I, pope


Theodelind, queen of the Lombards

Translated letter:

Gregory to Theodelind, queen of the Lombards. The report of certain people has reached us that your glory was led to this offense against the holy church by certain bishops, so that you might be suspended from the communion of catholic unanimity. The more purely we love you, the more strongly we grieve for you that you believe ignorant and foolish men who not only do not know what they say, but can scarcely understand what they hear. We venerate four holy synods: Nicea, which condemned Arius, Constantinople, which condemned Macedonius, the first at Ephesus, which condemned Nestor and Dioscorus, and Chalcedon, which condemned Eutyches. We profess that whoever holds views that differ from these four synods is alien from the faith of truth. We condemn what they condemn and absolve what they absolve, putting those under anathema who presume to add to or take away from the faith of those four synods, particularly Chalcedon about which doubt has arisen among certain ignorant men. Since you know these things from my open profession, it is worthy that you have no further scruple of doubt about the church of saint Peter prince of apostles. But persist in the true faith and confirm your life in the rock of the church, that is in confession of saint Peter prince of apostles, lest your many tears and good works perish, if they be found alien to the true faith. For as branches dry up without the strength of the root, so works which seem good are not if they are disjoined from the solidity of the faith. It is fitting therefore that your glory send with all speed and indicate by letter to that most reverend brother and my co-bishop Constantine, whose faith and life have long been known to me, that you accept his ordination favorably. And since you will in no way be separated from the communion of his church, we may truly rejoice in common exultation about our good and faithful daughter. In this, however, know that you and your works please God if, before his examination, they are approved by the judgment of his priests.

Original letter:

Gregorius Theodelindae Reginae Langobardorum. Quorundam ad nos relatione pervenit, ab aliquibus episcopis gloriam vestram usque ad hoc scandalum contra sanctam ecclesiam fuisse perductam, ut sese a catholicae unanimitatis communione suspenderet. Quod quantum vos pure diligimus, tantum de vobis fortius dolemus, quia vos imperitis stultisque hominibus creditis, qui non solum ea quae loquuntur nesciunt, sed vix ea percipere quae audierint, possunt. Qui dum neque legunt, neque legentibus credunt, in ipso errore manent, quem sibi de nobis ipsi fecerunt. Nos enim veneramur sanctas quattuor sinodos: Nicenam, in qua Arrius; Constantinopolitanam, in qua Macedonius, Ephesinam primam, in qua Nestorius atque Dioscorus, Calcedonensem, in qua Eutyches dampnatus est. Profitentes, quia quisquis aliter sapit quam hae quattuor synodi, a fide veritatis alienus est. Damnamus autem quoscumque damnant et quoscumque absolvunt absolvimus, sub anathematis interpositione ferientes eum, qui earundem quattuor sinodorum, maxime autem Calcedonensis, de qua quibusdam imperitis hominibus dubietas nata est fidei addere vel adimere praesumit. Cum itaque haec ex aperta mea professione cognoscitis, dignum est, ut de ecclesia beati Petri apostolorum principis nullum ulterius scrupulum dubietatis habeatis. Sed in vera fide persistite et vitam vestram in petra ecclesiae, id est in confessione beati Petri apostolorum principis solidate, ne tot vestrae lacrimae tantaque bona opera pereant, si a fide vera inveniuntur aliena. Sicut enim rami sine virtute radicis arefiunt, ita opera quamlibet bona videantur nulla sunt, si a soliditate fidei disiunguntur. Decet ergo gloriam vestram ad reverentissimum fratrem et coepiscopum meum Constantium, cuius et fides et vita olim mihi bene est adprobata, sub omni celeritate transmittere, eique directis epistolis indicare, ordinationem eius quam benigne susceperitis. Et quia ab eius ecclesiae communione in nullo separamini, ut sicut vere, de bona ac fideli filia communi exultatione gratulemur. In hoc autem vos ac vestra opera Deo placere cognoscite, si priusquam eius examen veniat, sacerdotum illius iudicio comprobentur.

Historical context:

Apparently the first letter did not reach Theodelind, so Gregory repeats his warning and specifies the four councils or synods that are accepted.

Printed source:

MGH Greg I Reg, 4.33, 1.268-69, dated July, 594 (also in PL77, ep.38 c.712-13).





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