A letter from Bertran II, count of Province


Bertran II, count of Province


Ermengard of Carcassonne

Translated letter:

A short record of the hostages that count Bertran gave to viscountess Ermengard for the promise of his daughter whom he gave to Bernard Ato as wife.  Bertran was to give five thousand solidos to viscountess Ermengard on the feast of St. Michael in five years, two thousand in coins (denarios), a thousand in oxen and cows, and two thousand in horses and mules.  This promise and this above-written agreement the count swore with his own hand that he would keep in faith without deception.  This promise and this agreement, I Raymond of Rostaing pledged by my (his) faith; Alfant Albaric by his faith; Dodo Albaric by his faith; William Porcelet by his faith; Bertran Gidbert by his faith; Pons Rainouard and Peter Garcin pledged by their faith that they would make others hold to their oaths.  And that count agreed to that viscountess that at the time of the nuptials when he will give his daughter to Bernard Ato, he will give ten hostages, of the kind the viscountess wished, from that honor that will not be seized or occupied.  This promise was made in the thousand eightythird year of the Lord’s incarnation.  

Original letter:

Breve memoratorium de ostaticos que dedict Bertrannus comes ad Ermengardem vicecomitissam per placitum de sua filia que dedit ad Bernardum Atonem in uxorem. – Debet Bertramnus donare quinque milia solidatas ad Ermengardem vicecomitissam de ista festivitate sancti Michaelis ad quinque annos, duo milia in denarios, et mille in boves et vaccas, et duo milia in caballos et mulos.  – Istum placitum et istam convenientiam suprascriptam juravit ipse comes manu propria que lo atenda per fidem sine inganno.  – Istum placitum et istam convenientiam plevi Raimundus of Rostagnus per suam fidem; Alfantus Albaricus per suam fidem; Dodonus Albaricus per suam fidem; Gilelmus Porceletus per suam fidem; Bertrannus Gidbertus per suam fidem; Poncius Rainoardus et Petrus Garcinus plivirunt per suam fidem que ad alios facerent refirmare suas fides. – Et ipse comes convenit ad ipsam vicecomitissam quia tempore nuptiarum, quando dabit filiam suam ad Bernardum Atonem, dabit ostaticos decem, quales ipsa vicecomitissa vuluerit, de ipsa onore que non l’al tolla ni l’al anpar.  – Facto placito isto anno ab incarnatione Domini milesimo octuagesimo tercio.



Historical context:

This describes the agreement made between Bertran II and the countess for the marriage of his daughter to her son, money to be paid, and sworn hostages.

Printed source:

Layettes du Trésor des Chartes, 1.29, #24.





This is an archived work created in 2024 and downloaded from Columbia University Academic Commons.