A letter from Peter, count of Savoy (1259)


Peter, count of Savoy


Beatrice of Savoy

Translated letter:

In the year of the lord 1259, second indiction, on the feast of St. John the Evangelist signed in the presence of witnesses, we, Peter of Savoy, count, at the petition and request of the most illustrious Beatrice countess of Provence, our dearest sister, concede expressly and wish to ratify that the castrum of Les Echelles in the diocese of Grenoble, with all the men of said castrum and its whole command, nobles as well as non-nobles, fiefs and other usages, cultivated and uncultivated lands, pastures, woods, [rights of] hunting and fishing, waters and watercourses, with all the rights and appurtenances, and the whole district be given to the house of the hospital of Jerusalem which said lady countess intends to build there or to whatever other religious house or pious place whenever it should please that lady countess fully and freely in perpetuity. Giving and conceding to that lady countess full and free right to confer in alms said castle with all the aforesaid rights and appurtenances either in her life or in death to said religious house or whatever pious place for the remedy of her soul and her people living or dead, as it will please her to dispose, so that said castle with its said rights and appurtences, those mentioned above and those not mentioned, he cedes out of devotion to said lady countess by perpetual right in the rule and ownership of said religious house or pious place. We promise in good faith without fraud or deception that we will hold said donation and concession ratified and confirmed in perpetuity and never will we ourselves or through another oppose or consent to anyone wishing to oppose in word or deed, within judgment or outside, renouncing willingly and with certain knowledge all right and action of all laws and help of canons which might pertain to or serve us against the aforesaid now or in the future. Enacted at Paris in the home of the king which is called Nesles, in the chamber beneath the tower, the witnesses called and asked were John, archbishop of Vienne, Ralph, archbishop of the church of Tarentaise, Anselm of Mollier, sacristan of the church of Vienne, and I, Pons d'Espagniac, notary of the imperial court and of the count of Savoy, was present and as asked wrote this document and gave witness and confirmation that we, said Peter of Savoy, authorized the present letters with the authority of our seal.

Original letter:

Anno domini millesimo ducentesimo quinquagesimo nono indicione secunda in festo beati Johannis evangeliste in presentia testium subscriptum, nos, Petrus de Sabaudia, comes, ad petitionem et requisitionem illustrissime Beatricis comitisse Provincie carissime sororis nostre, concedimus expresse et volumus gratum et ratum habemus ut castrum de Scalia in diocesi Gratianopolitanensis situm cum omnibus hominibus dicti castri et mandamenti totius tam nobilibus quam innobilibus, feudis et aliis usagiis, terris cultis et incultis, pascuis, nemoribus, venationibus, piscationibus, aquis aquarumque decursibus juribus omnibus ac pertinentiis et toto destrictu domui hospitalis hierosolimitani quem dicta domina comitissa intendit ibi edifficare seu quilibet alteri domui religiose aut pio loco per donationem eiusdem domine comitisse quandocumque sibi placuerit plene et libere in perpetuum applicetur. Dantes et concedentes eidem domine comitisse plenam et liberam facultatem dictum castrum cum omnibus predictis juribus et pertinentiis sive in vita sua sive in morte dicte domui religiose vel cuicumque pio loco pro remedio anime sue ac suorum tam defunctorum quam vivorum in elemosinam conferendi prout sibi placuerit ordinare ita quod dictum castrum cum dictis juribus et pertinentiis tam superius expressis quam non expressis, cedat per devotionem dicte domine comitisse jure perpetuo in dominium et proprietatem dicte domus religiose vel pii loci. Promittimus autem bona fide sine dolo sine deceptione aliquo nos predictam donationem ac concessionem ratam et firmam in perpetuum habituros nec unquam per nos vel per alium verbo vel facto in judicio vel extra contra venturos nec alicui contra venire volenti consensuros, renuntiantes sponte et ex certa scientia omni jure et actioni omniumque legum et canonum auxilio quod nobis contra predicta vel aliquorum predictorum posset nunc vel in posterum competi vel prodesse. Actum est hoc Parisiis in domo regis que dictur Neelle in camera subtus turrim, ad hoc autem fuerunt testes vocati et rogati Johannes viennensis ecclesie archiepiscopus, Radulphus, tarentasiensis ecclesie archiepiscopus, Anselmus de Mollario sacrista ecclesie viennensis, et ego, Pontius Expagniaci, imperialis aule et comitis Sabaudie notarius interfui et hanc cartam rogatus scripsi et tradidi in cuius rei testimonium et firmitatem nos, predictus Petrus de Sabaudia, presentes litteras sigilli nostri robore duximus roborandas.

Historical context:

Peter gives permission to his sister to make a donation of the castrum of Les Echelles and its appurtenances to construct a hospital for the order of St. John of Jerusalem.  The castrum is an administrative unit with a castle at its center.

Manuscript source:

Vidimus of 1562 in Archivi di Stato di Torino.

Printed source:

Francisque Viard, Beatrice de Savoye (Lyon: L'Echo de Savoie, 1942) 110-11, document #12.





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