A letter from Blanche of Castile, queen of France (1252)
Blanche of Castile, queen of France
Guy de Lusignan
Translated letter:
Blanche, by the grace of God queen of France, to her beloved Guy de Lusignan, greetings and love. Know that we extend the term which we granted you to stay in England until the octave of the coming Pentecost, ordering you not to delay beyond said date. These letters will be valid until the octave of Pentecost.
Enacted at our abbey of the blessed queen Mary at Pontoise, in the year of the lord 1252, in the month of April.
Original letter:
Blancha, Dei gratia Francie regina, dilecto suo Guidoni de Lizegniaco, salutem et dilectionem. Noveritis quod nos terminum, quem vobis de morando in Angliam concessimus, prorogamus usque ad octabas Penthecostes proxime venientis, vobis mandantes quatinus ultra dictum terminum moram non faciatis ibidem. Durent littere iste usque ad octabas Pentechostes. Actum apud abbatiam nostram beate Marie Regalis juxta Pontisaram, anno domini MCC quinquagesimo secundo, mense aprili.
Historical context:
Guy was the son of Isabel of Angouleme, mother of Henry III, with her second husband, Hugh of Lusignan. He went to England with three of his brothers in 1247, at the invitation of his half-brother the king who took generous care of him. But Guy and his brothers were rivals for Henry’s attentions with the Savoyards, the queen’s family and had conflicts with the English barons as well. Guy was exiled in 1258, but remained on good terms with his nephew Edward.
Printed source:
Champollion-Figeac, 1.83, #69
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