A letter from Henry IV, emperor (1065, May 23)


Henry IV, emperor


Agnes of Poitiers, empress

Translated letter:

In the name of the holy and individual trinity. Henry, king by the mercy of divine favor, let it be known to all the faithful of Christ future as well as present, how we have granted out of owed love to our beloved mother august empress Agnes a certain court called Marin located in the bishopric of Tortona, which she had by previous giving over of my father of pious memory, august emperor Henry, with all right in possession, in free power. So that she might have power of transmitting, exchanging, requesting, delegating or whatever might please her to do, with all its appurtenances and servants of both sexes, dry land, buildings, markets, tolls, fields, pastures, mills, waters and water courses, fisheries, roads and impassable places, exits and entrances, woods, hunting areas, acquired and to be acquired, and with all use which now or henceforth might in any way arise thence or be named. And so that this our royal grant remain stable and undestroyed for all time we have ordered this charter to be composed strengthened by our hand and signed with the impression of our seal. Sign of the unconquered king lord Henry [monogram]. I Gregory chancellor examined in place of Hugo archchancellor. Dated 13th kalends of May in the year of the lord’s incarnation onethousand sixtyfive, third indiction in the twelfth year of ordination of king Henry IV, ninth of his reign. Enacted happily in the name of God in August. Amen.

Original letter:

In nomine sancte et individue trinitatis. Heinricus divina favente clementia rex. notum sit omnibus Xpi fidelibus tam futuris quam presentibus qualiter nos ob debita caritate nostre genitrici dilecte Agneti imperatrici auguste quandam cortem marin nominatam in episcopatu terdunensi sita quam antea traditione patris mei pie memorie Heinrici imperatoris augusti atque iure omni in proprietate habuit in liberum arbitrium concessimus. ut inde potestatem habeat tradendi commutandi precariandi delegandi vel quicquid sibi placitum est inde faciendi. cum omnibus scilicet pertinentiis suis hoc est utriusque sexus mancipiis areis edificiis mercatis teloneis pratis pascuis molis molendinis aquis aquarumque decursibus piscationibus viis et inviis exitibus et reditibus silvis venationibus quesitis et inquirendis et cum omni utiliate que nunc aut deinceps ullo modo pervenire vel nominari poterit. Et ut hec nostra regalis concessio stabilis et inconvulsa omni permaneat evo hanc cartam inde concrisptam [sic] manuque nostra corroborantes sigilli nostri impressione iussimus insigniri. Signum domni Heinrici invicti [monogramma] regis. Gregorius cancellarius vice Hugonis archicancellarii recognovi. Datum XIII kal. maii. Anno dominice incarnacionis M.LXV indictione III anno autem ordinacionis domni Heinrici IIII regis XII regni vero VIIII. Actum auguste in dei nomine feliciter. Amen

Historical context:

Henry IV grants to his mother, empress Agnes, Marin in the bishopric of Tortona.

Manuscript source:

Regio Archivio di Corte, Abbazia di S. Benigno

Printed source:

Historiae Patriae Monumenta, edita iussu Regis Caroli Alberti (augustae Taurinorum, e Regio Typographeo: 1836), Tomus I Chartarum, cc.612-13.


1065, May 23



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