A letter to Bernard Laimund


Guillelma of Montpellier


Bernard Laimund

Translated letter:

Chirograph, divided by letters of the alphabet in the margin, in which it is noted -- in the year 1171 from the incarnation of the Lord in the month of May – that Guillelma viscountess of Nîmes gave to Bernard Laimund and his children and all his successors, to receive according to the usual conditions, a site to be taken in the tithing of Generac, in a place that is called Tortor.  “Witnesses of this are:  Aymery who had 12 denarios; and Raynald, 4 denarios; Bernard Aymeri, 6 denarios; Giles Benedict, Peter Stephen, and three others.  Peter the Small, commanded by both sides, wrote it.”

Original letter:

Chirographum, per litteras alphabeti in margine divisum, quo notum fit, -- anno ab incarnatione Domini M.C.LXXI, mense madii, -- Guillelmam vicecomitissam Nemausensem  Bernardo Laimundo, ejusque infantibus et omnibus successoribus, ad acaptum, solitis conditionibus, donasse unum pati situm in decimaria de Geneiraco, in loco qui vocatur Tortor.  – “Hujus rei sunt testes:  Aimericus qui habuit XII. denarios; et Rainaldinus, IIII. denarios; Bernardus Aimericus, VI. denarios; Gilis Benedictus, Petrus Stephanus, et tres alli.  Petrus Petiti scripsit, mandatus ex utraque parte.”

Historical context:

This records a charter in which the viscountess gave a piece of land to a man and his successors.

Printed source:

Layettes du Trésor des Chartes, 1.99, #232.


1171, May



This is an archived work created in 2024 and downloaded from Columbia University Academic Commons.