A letter from Odo of Quarnai (1215, April)


Odo of Quarnai


Blanche of Navarre, Countess of Champagne

Translated letter:

I, Odo of Quarnai, make known to all who will see the present letters that I hold in fief and homage from my dearest lady Blanche, the illustrious countess of Champagne, and from her son count Thibaut, my town which is called Chastel near Quarnai, and also Bajonville, which [together] should be worth at least thirty pounds of rent each year, and if they are not, I would be held to make it up from my other land. For the aforesaid towns, certainly, I am liegeman of the lady countess of Champagne and her son count Thibaut, saving allegiance to the count of Bar-le-Duc, the count of Rethelois, and the count of Grandpre. And I am held to guarantee the aforesaid fief for the lady countess and her son in their courts by right against all those who might wish to bring suit there.

In witness of which I had had the present charter confirmed by the protection of my seal.

Dated in the year of grace, 1215, in the month of April.

Original letter:

Ego Odo de Quarnaio notum facio universis presentes litteras inspecturis, quod de karissima domina mea Blancha, illustri comitissa Campani et de comite Theobaldo filio ejus, teneo in feodo et hommagio villam meam que dicitur Chastel prope Quarnaium, et etiam Bajonville, que valere debent ad minus triginta libratas redditus quolibet anno, et, si tantum non valerent, ego tenerer perficere de alia terra mea. — De predictis siquidem villis homo sum ligius domine comitisse Campanie et comitis Theobaldi filii sui, salva ligeitate comitis Barri - ducis , comitis Registestensis, et comitis Grandis-prati. — Predictum itaque feodum ipsi domine comitisse et filio ejus in curia eorum teneor guarantire per jus contra omnes qui ibidem vellent juri stare. — In cujus rei testimonium, presentem cartam feci fieri sigilli mei munimine roboratam. -- Datum anno gratie M° cc° xv°, mense aprili.

Historical context:

Odo confirms his commitment of hommage and rent to the countess and her son.

Printed source:

Layettes du Tresor des Chartes, ed. A. Teulet, 1.430, #1177.


1215, April



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