A letter from Emma


Emma of Provence
Pons of Toulouse



Translated letter:

I Emma, countess, and my son Pons, for love and fear of God and the remedy of my soul, give as as dowry to the church of St. Martin one property in the city of Avignon, which Peter, son of Briceio holds.  Countess Emma suscribed this.  Sign of Pons. Sign of Bertrand. Berengarius subscribed.  Amicus subscribed.

Original letter:

Ego Emma comitissa, & filius meus Pon­tius, pro amore & timore Dei, & remedio animae meae, dono in dotalitium ad ecclesiam Sancti Martini mansum unum in Avenione civitate, quem tenet Petrus filius Briceionis. Emma comitissa subscripsit. Signum Pontii. Signum Bertranni.  Berengarius subscripsit.  Amicus subscripsit.

Historical context:

Donation by the countess and her son, Pons, of a property in Avignon, signed by her other son.  The donation is included at the end of another donation to the same church.

Printed source:

Histoire Générale de Languedoc, 5.377, #181, CLV.





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