A letter from Adelaide of Turin and Susa (1064, September 8)


Adelaide of Turin and Susa



Translated letter:

In the year of the incarnation of our lord Jesus Christ 1064, eighth day of the month of September, second indiction. It is good and useful that man, before the day of his departure from this world, consider what will be, before death that is due comes to him, (and) thenceforth (he should) exercise his goodwill, so that he may flee the snares of eternal death and reach the joys of the heavenly kingdom after the passing away of this life. For in the Psalms we read thus: I am ready, and I am not troubled that I may keep your commandments. Truly it is included in the sacred scriptures that whoever has conferred anything from his property on the lord or his saints will receive in this world a hundred-fold according to the word of Christ. Moreover what is better is that he will possess eternal life. Therefore I, Adelaide, countess by the mercy of Christ, who have professed to live from my birth under Salic law, concerning certain property of mine I establish as heir almighty God, creator of heaven and earth, to whom all things visible and invisible are subject, he who might offer to me the grace of eternal life after the end of this life, not by my merit but by his benign mercy, and who might command that my soul be brought with his angels into the lap of Abraham, where there is true rest, and for love and fear of him, I offer, for the sake of my soul and the soul of lord Manfred, marquis, my father, and Adalric, bishop, my paternal uncle and Bertha, my mother, and for the soul of lord Odo, marquis, my husband whose good passing caused me and each of my children sorrow, to a certain church built in the territory of the village Pinerolo, consecrated in honor of the holy virgin Mary mother of God, that is two courts, namely of Lagnosco, Miradolo with houses, chapels, vineyards, fields, meadows, mills, and all their appurtenances in the above-said territory of Pinerolo; a piece of land with houses, vineyards, fields, meadows, forests, with grasslands within it as they have adjoining paths, to the house of Alamannus up to the dwellings of Giraldigni up to the river Chisone and as the (river) Lemina runs up to the Cerreto and up to the mountain tops and to Porte and lands that are governed and labored by men who dwell within those adjoining (lands) and half from Porte and Turin and Malamorte and Villar Perosa, and Villareto, Pinasca, Villare Mentole, Fenestrelle, Usseaux, Balbotera, Porrera, Frassena, Pragelato, up to Sestriere, and half of all these villas, but the whole of those noted below, that is, the valleys of St. Martin, Perosa Argentina, Poggio, Oddone, Pramollo, Villar Aldini, Paderno, Famolasco, and a church constructed on the mountain above the castle in Piossasco in honor of St. George, also with three dwellings, two lying in that same villa and the third in Rivalta, also three other dwellings in the said Piossasco, one where there is a seigneurial hall with chapel, another governed and worked by Constantine and Constantinus of Ledenisc, a third by Rosonem, and two other dwellings in Rivalta, one with two mills and meadows, worked by the monk Sabaino, another by a certain … and a vineyard demesne/seigneurial in Ovorio where there are paths adjoining from two sides. On the third side of the heirs of Guido also a ground/precinct that was of the late cleric Edward with lands of the same Edward, with half of the lands that are seen to lie in the territory of the city of Turin at the place which is named the Barbexana fountain and a meadow in old Castaneto, and in the villa Carignano three dwellings, one was worked by John Villico and Girbaldo and Albueno and by John his sons, another by the monk Sabaudino, a third by …together with impost and toll from the market and fishery of Barbonia, a dwelling in Racconigi, as it was governed and worked by William Brocafeltrum together with that portion of those things that were within the rights of St. Sylvester, placed in that same place Racconigi and half of Vicomalo, near the villa that is called Rodolfia, and near the river Varaita. In addition, for love and fear of almighty God and for the reward and healing of my soul and the souls of the aforesaid marquises and my paternal uncle and my children I offer to the same church a monastery constructed near the sea on the island that is called Gallinara, consecrated in honor of St. Martin with all its appurtenances, and half of the court of Pradiaroli and with half of the castle of Porto Maurizio and a dwelling within the villa Cohedevie, governed and worked by Romaldus, and another dwelling in the place of Garessio, as it was ruled and labored by Odo, the priest, and his brothers. A third dwelling is within the villa of Ceva, as it was ruled and labored by John Ruso, with mills and threshing floors(1) and a chapel near the said dwelling which was built in honor of St. Andrew with all things belonging to that dwelling and another dwelling in the place of Mondovi, as it was governed by Gauspertus the mace-bearer. (Regarding) all these above-said things, namely the monastery, chapels and all other things that I, Adelaide, offer to the afore-named church: the monks who at that time shall have been ordained in them should possess and hold them for their use and expense and they should do whatever they will according to the rule of the abbot of St. Benedict, without any contradiction or reclamation of me or my heirs or representatives of heirs, namely by Salic law in all ways, by this tacit pledge that should have strength through my free-men retained by me in all other things. In addition by the small knife and knotted straw, glove and piece of earth and by the branch of tree (2) I make legitimate transfer and investiture to the said church. And I thereby have driven myself out, guaranteed and have made myself absent from the monks who will be there at that time and will serve the lord, for their use and expense, whatever they will without any contradiction or reclamation by me and my heirs and representatives of heirs, for the reward of my soul and the above-said souls. But if, which I do not believe will occur, I, Adelaide, countess, or any of my heirs or representatives of heirs or any person opposed will attempt at any time to go against this obligation or will seek to infringe it through any contrivance, then let us inflict on that party, against which we have thenceforth brought suit, great penalty, which is one thousand ounces of pure gold, two thousand pounds of silver, and we will renew what we cannot vindicate, but let this present obligation remain firm and persist unshaken with stipulation supported, and I have embossed this parchment with ink from the earth. I gave it over to Adam, notary of the sacred palace, to write and confirming which, I offered it to be strengthened by witnesses below. Whence three documents of offering were written with one meaning (i.e. three copies). Enacted happily beside the port of the castle that was constructed above the gate of Susa in the above-noted city of Turin. Signed by the hand of the above-noted lady Adelaide, countess, who requested that this charter of offering and donation be made as above. Sign of Peter, sign of Amadeus. Signed by the hand of Vitallinus, witness, who was requested by viscount Bruno. Edward, judge, enacted, signed below, and was present. I, Erenzo, judge, enacted, signed below. I, Burgundus, judge, was present and enacted, signed below. Signed by the hands of Adalricus of Padeono and Walfred of Cimena, Adam of St. Stephen and Lanfrancus, son of the notary Adam, all witnesses living under Salic law. Signed by the hands of Henry who is called Marcus and Rebuldus from Fibbina as Erembertus from Villa Nova, witness. I, Adam, as above, notary of the sacred palace, writer of this charter of offering and donation completed and gave it, subsequently delivered.(3)

Original letter:

Anno ab incarnatione domini nostri Ihu Xpi M. LXIIII octaua die mensis septembris indictione secunda. Bonum et utile est ut homo ante diem migrationis suae de hoc seculo de future cogitaret, antequam ei ueniat mors debita. suae bonae uoluntatis inde tractare . ut possit fugere laquios aeternae mortis et ad gaudia regni coelestis post huius uitae transitum peruenire. Nam in psalmis ita legitur. paratus sum et non sum turbatus ut custodiam mandata tua. uere in sacris scripturis insertum est quisquis domino uel sanctis suis. aliquid ex rebus suis contulerit iuxta auctoris uocem in hoc saeculo centuplum accipiet. insuper quod melius est uitam possidebit aeternam. Ideoque ego Adeleyda Christi misericordia comitissa quae professa sum ex natione mea lege uiuere salica. de quibusdam rebus meis deum omnipotentem creatorem coeli et terrae cui omnia uisibilia et inuisibilia subiecta sunt haeredem instituo qui uitae aeternae gratiam michi non meo merito sed sua benigna misericordia post huius uitae exitum praestet meamque animam cum suis angelis in sinum Abrahae ubi uera est requies ferri praecipiat et pro eius amore et timore quandam ecclesiam constructam in territorio Vici Pinerolii consecratam in honore sanctae Dei Genitricis Virginis Mariae offero pro anima mea et anima domini Manfredi marchionis genitoris mei et Adalrici episcopi barbani mei et Bertae genetricis meae et anima domini Odonis marchionis uiri mei cuius bonus exitus mihi fuit luctus nominatim et de filiis meis. id sunt cortes II scilicet Lagnaschi. Miradolii cum casis. capellis. uineis. campis. pratis. molendinis et omnibus suis pertinenciis in iam dicto territorio de Pinerolio. Pecia una de terra cum casis. uineis. campis. pratis. siluis. gerbis infra se habentibus sicut detinent coherentiae illius uiae quae est ad domum Alamanni usque ad tecta Gualdingi. usque ad fluuium Clusonem et sicuti currit Lemina usque ad Cerretum usque, et usque ad cacumina montium et usque ad partes et terras quae sunt rectae et laboratae per homines qui habitant infra has coherentias et medietatem de partis et de Turina et Mala morte et Villare et Villareto Pinascha Villare Mentole Fenestrella. Yxello, Balbotera. Parrera Frasseina Pratogellada usque ad Petram Sestreriam harum autem omnium uillarum medietatem. subscriptarum uero integritatem id sunt ualles sancti Martini Petrosae Pogio-Odoni Prato-Mollo Villare Aldini Paderno Famolasca et ecclesiam unam constructam in monte desuper castro Plautiasca in honore sancti Georgii simul cum tribus mansibus in eadem uilla iacentibus duobus et tertio in Riualta tres quoque alios mansos in dicta Plautiasca unum ubi est sala dominicata cum capella alium rectum et laboratum per Constantium et Constantinum de Ledinico tercium per Rosonem duos etiam alios mansos in Ripalta. unum cum duobus molendinis et pratis laboratum per Sabainum monachum alium per quendam. . , , , et uineam in dominicata in ouorio ubi sunt cohaerentiae de duabus partibus uiae. de tertia parte haeredum Vuidonis et solarium unum quod fuit quondam Euurardi clerici cum terris eiusdem Euurardi. cum medietate de terris quae uidentur iacere in territorio de ciuitate Taurino ad locum qui nominatur fontana Barbericina et prato de Castagneto uetere siue in uilla Carignano mansos tres unus fuit laboratus per Ioannem Villicum et Girbaudum et Albuenum seu per Ioannem filios eius. alius per Sabainum monachum tertius per.., .. una cum portu et teloneo de mercato siue piscarea de Barbalongia in Raconisio mansum unum sicuti fuit rectum et laboratum per Guillelmum Brocafeltre simul cum ea portione de illis rebus quae fuerunt juris sancti Siluestri positis in eodem loco Raconisio et medietatem di uico Malo prope uillam quae dicitur Rodolfia et prope fluuium Varaita nee non pro amore et timore Dei omnipotentis et pro mercede et remedio animae meae et animarum predictarum marchionum et barbani mei et filii mei offero in eadem ecclesia monasterium unum constructum infra mare in insula quae dicitur Gallinaria consecratum in honore sancti Martini cum omnibus suis pertinentiis et medietatem de curte pradarioli et cum medietate de castro de Portu Mauritio et mansum unum infra Villacohedenae rectum et laboratum per Romaldum. et alium mansum in loco Garexae sicuti fuit rectum et laboratum per Odonem presbiterum et fratres eius. tertius mansus est infra uillam Ceuam, sicuti fuit rectus et laboratus per Ioannem Ruso cum molendinis et batenderiis et capellam unam prope iam dictum mansum. quae est constructa in honore sancti Andreae cum omnibus rebus ad ipsum mansum pertinentibus siue alium mansum in loco Carasonae sicuti fuit rectum per Gauspertum massarium, haec omnia supradicta scilicet monasterium capellas et omnes alias res quas ego Adelayda in praenominata ecclesia offero monachi qui pro tempore fuerint ordinati in ea habeant et teneant ad eorum usum et insumptum et faciant quicquid uoluerint secundum regulam sancti Benedicti abbatis. sine omni mea et haeredum ac prohaeredum meerum contradictione uel repetitione scilicet lege falcidia omnibus modis in hac obligatione tacita per liberos meos quae in aliis rebus omnibus a me retentis habeat vigorem. Insuper per cultellum et festucam nodatam Vuantonem et Gasonem terrae atque per ramum arboris. iam dictae ecclesiae legitimam facio traditionem et inuestituram. et me exinde foris expuli uuarpiui et absentem me feci ad faciendum exinde a monachis qui ibi pro tempore fuerint et domino seruierint ad eorum usum et sumptum quicquid uoluerint sine omni mea et haeredum ac prohaeredum meorum contradictione uel repetitione pro animae meae et animarum predictarum mercede. Si uero quod futurum esse non credo ego quidem Adelayda comitissa aut ullus de haeredibus ac prohaeredibus meis seu quaelibet opposita persona contra hanc obligationem ire quandoque tentauerimus. aut eam per quoduis ingenium infringere quaesierimus. tunc inferamus ad illam partem contra quam ex inde litem intulerimus mulctam quae est poena auri optimi uncias mille. argenti pondera duo millia et quod quaesierimus uindicare non ualeamus sed praesens haec oblatio firma permaneat atque persistat inconuulsa cum stipulatione subnixa et pergamena cum attramentario eleuaui de terra. Adam notario sacri palatii tradidi scribere rogaui. quam subter confirmans testibus obtuli roborandam. unde tribus cartis oblationis uno tenore scriptae sunt. Actum infra anteportum de castro quod est constructum supra portam secusinam de infrascripta ciuitate Taurino. feliciter. ( Signum) + manus infrascriptae dominae Adelaydae comitissae quae hanc cartam oblationis et offersionis fieri rogauit ut supra. Signum + Petri, signum + Amedaei. (Signum) ++ Manus Vitallini. qui Bruno uice-comes rogatus. testis. + Euerardus iudex fecit (subscripsit) et interfuit. + Ego Erenzo iudex feci (subscripsi). + Ego Burgundus iudex interfui et feci (subscripsi). Si¬gnum ++++ manibus Adalrici de Padeono et Valfredi de Cimena Adam de sancto Stephano atque Lanfrancus filius Adam notarii omnes lege uiuentes salica testes. Signum ++++ manibus Enrici qui uocatus Marchio et Rebuldi de Fibbina sicut Erembertus de Villa noua testis. Ego qui supra Adam notarius sacri palacii scriptor huius cartae oblationis et offersionis post tradita compleui et dedi .

Historical context:

Adelaide, countess, gives to the church bishopry of Asti castles and chapels that she had acquired from Manfred and his sons in St. Stephen, in Canale, and in other places.

Scholarly notes:

1. Niermeyer defines “batenderiis” as a place where “cannabis tunditur et maceratur” and Latham lists “bateressa” as a threshing barn or floor. 2. These are traditional symbolic objects handed over at the transfer of property. I am grateful to Adam Kosto for this explanation. The formula also occurs in documents of Bertha of the Obertenghi, Immilla of Turin, Beatrice and Matilda of Tuscany, and Adelaide of Burgundy. 3. This translation was provided by Ashleigh Imus, who notes that "parts of this letter appear edited (in what appears to be a slightly different version) online on Wikipedia at http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbadia_Alpina. I include some of the place names offered in this online version."

Printed source:

Historia Patriae Monumenta, edita iussu Regis Caroli Alberti, Chartarum Tomus I (Augustae Taurinorum e Regio Typographeo, 1836), c.607-09, doc. 358.


1064, September 8



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