A letter of appointment


Elizabeth of the Cumans



Translated letter:

We E[lizabeth] by the grace of God queen of Hungary make known to all to whom this comes, by the content of the presents, that when we came [to make] a general reform in the county of Baranya at the request of nobles, we chose four noble captains of that province, namely master Conrad of Óvár, Ladislaus son of Keled, Christopher son of Ongalus and Giles, son of Peter together with our barons, particularly master Aladar judge of our court and master Demetrius count/ispán of Baranya; when all the nobles and whichever others set out their needs and complaints in their presence, those judges, captains as well as barons in that group will process [them] according to the order of justice as justice demands, and then declare their process in letters, being given and having assumed our authority for this. Dated in the town Muhach, the day after St. Michael the archangel.


Original letter:

Nos E. [= Elisabeth] Dei gratia regina Hungarie significamus omnibus, quibus expedit, presentium per tenorem, quod cum pro reformatione generali in comitatu de Barana ad suplicationem nobilium venissemus, deputatis quatuor nobilibus capitaneis eiusdem provincie, videlicet magistro Corlado de Owar, Ladislao filio Clety, Christoforo filio Ongalus et Egydio filio Petri unacum nostris baronibus specialiter magistro Aladario iudice curie nostre et magistro Demetrio comite de Barana universis nobilibus et aliis quibuslibet suis [!] necessitates et gravamina exponentibus in presentia eorundem iidem iudices tam capitanei, quam barones in ipsa congregatione secundum ordinem iustitie, sicut expediebat iustitie, processerunt, suum exinde processum suis litteris declarando, nostra ad hoc eisdema auctoritate tradita et assumpta. Datum in villa Muhach, in crastino Beati Michaelis archangeli.

Historical context:

The queen names the four captains she appointed to carry out a general reform in the county of Baranya, at the request of its nobles, to hear and process complaints along with a count and judge of her court.   Zsoldos, The Árpáds, 152, identifies Conrad of the Györ and Ladislaus of the Kórógyi, but notes that Christopher and Egiles/Egidius have not been identified, though the latter may be Egyed, son of Peter of Szentdienes.

Printed source:

Az Árpád-házi hercegek, hercegnök és a királnék okleveleinek kritikai jegyzéke, Regesta ducum, ducissarum stirpis Arpadiana, ed. E. Szentpétery, A. Zsoldos (Budapest 2008), 95, #142. 


1282, September 30



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