A letter to William of Montpellier


Beatrice of Melgueil
Bernard Pelet


William of Montpellier

Translated letter:

In the name, etc., year from the Incarnation 1145, in the month of March.  I Beatrice, countess of Melgueil, daughter of Guillelma and Bernard, count of Melgueil of happy memory, and I Bernard Pelet, count of Melgueil, husband of the said countess Beatrice, we acknowledging the donation of 3 denari in Melgeuil money which namely 3 denari said count Bernard father of my Beatrice gave as fief and all the honors to you, William lord of Montpellier, son of Ermessend and your successors, and we confirm it, and moreover for the rest we shall not have that Melgueil money made unless in this weight and by this law, namely whole denari to 4 denari of pure silver, etc.  This was enacted at Moulins, in the presence of Bernard of Pignan, etc.

Original letter:

In nomine, &c. anno ab Incarnatione ejusdem mcxlv, mense martii. Ego Beatrix comitissa Melgoriensis, filia Guillelmae & Bernardi felicis memo­riae comitis Melgoriensis, & ego Bernardus Peleti comes Melgoriensis maritus praedictae comitissae Beatricis, nos agnoscentes donationem III denarios in moneta Melgoriensi, quos scilicet III de­narios praefatus comes Bernardus pater mei Beatricis dedit ad feudum & ad totos honores tibi Guillelmo Montispessulani domino filio Hermessendis & successoribus tuis, & confirmamus, & praeterea ipsam monetam de Melgorio de caetero non faciemus fabricari nisi in hoc pondere & in hac lege, videlicet denarios integros ad IIII denarios argenti fini, &c. Facta sunt haec apud Molinas, sub prae­sentia Bernardi de Pinnano, &c. 

Historical context:

This document confirms the money paid by the countess's father to William, part of the pledge confirmed in #561.2, and makes a commitment about money to be minted, a commitment also made by William in #561.4 (Epistolae 25889.html).

Printed source:

Histoire Générale de Languedoc, 5.1080, 561.3, CCCCLXVI.  


1145, March



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