A letter from Henry III, king of England (11/12/1218)


Henry III, king of England


Berengaria of Navarre, queen of England

Translated letter:

The king to all who will look at these letters, greetings. Know that we have settled with our beloved Berengaria, formerly queen of England, to give her from our exchequer on the day of St. Hilary, in the third year of our reign, 500 marks, and from our exchequer at Easter in the same year, 500 marks, and from our exchequer on the day of St. Michael, the same year, we shall give her the whole remainder of the debt which we owe her. And in [witness] of this thing, etc. Witnessed as above [count Marshal, at Westminster, 12th day of November in the third year, etc. By the same and P[eter] of Winchester.] By that count before P. bishop of Winchester, and William Briwer.

Original letter:

Rex omnibus has litteras inspecturis, salutem. Sciatis quod convencionavimus dilecte nobis Berengarie, quondam regine Anglie, quod reddemus ei ad scaccarium nostrum de termino Sancti Hyllarii, anno regni nostri tercio, quingentas marcas, et ad scaccarium nostrum de termino Pasche, anno eodem, quingentas marcas, et ad scaccarium nostrum de termino Sancti Michaelis, eodem anno, totum residuum, debiti, quod ei debemus, ei reddemus. Et in hujus rei etc. Teste ut supra. Per ipsum comitem, coram P. Wintoniensi episcopo, et Willelmo Briwe.

Historical context:

One of the many statements of the arrangements made to pay Berengaria for the dower she held in England. There is a record in the Patent Rolls (1.292) of a mandate to John, son of Richard, and to Stephen of Croy, ordering them to pay 500 marks from the tin-mine to Berengaria's envoy at Easter for the dower debt, which was cancelled because they had paid it.

Printed source:

Patent Rolls of the Reign of Henry III, 1 (1216-25), 1.179





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