A letter from Peter Damian (1067)


Peter Damian


Beatrice of Lorraine, duke of Tuscany

Translated letter:

To lord Godfrey marquis/margrave and duke and his most serene spouse Beatrice, Peter, sinner monk, prayer. Our son, abbot of the monastery of St. John the Baptist,(1) bought a library, but since he can not pay the price because of lack of funds, he was compelled by necessity to beg me for help. But since I do not have it at the moment, I grant permission to claim it from others; what he can not get from us in episcopal wealth, he may be consoled somewhat by you in small demands. If one were to say: the world rages against us, war presses us and does not permit us to offer gifts to God, let him hear that Joshua, leader of Israel, fought in the desert and Moses prayed on the mountain with his hands extended to heaven. But as Scripture says, when Moses drew his hand back, Amalech conquered, when he raised his hand, Amalech fell and Israel conquered. The prophet says: “Raise your hearts with your hands to God.” He raises his heart with his hands to God who fulfills the promises of his prayers to God and transmits the gifts of his things to ornament or sustain the poor. Let us therefore put on the cuirass of good works and we will not fear the darts of the impious. Solomon in Proverbs said: “Fear not the powers of the impious rushing over you with sudden terror, for the Lord will be at your side and guard your foot so you will not be taken.” But that we should conceive this boldness with a ready mind he added: “Do not prohibit him from doing good who can; if you can, do it yourself; and do not say to your friend go and come back and I will give to you, when you can give immediately.” One should trust not in iron or arms but in works of piety. I would come to your realm except that bent old age restrains my tremulous course. Nonetheless, this brother may see and ponder if rational cause invites me. Moreover, I beg your excellence humbly that if you should send someone to German places, you will direct this letter for love of us to my lady empress Agnes.

Original letter:

Domno G marchiani et duci et B serenissimae coniugi, P peccator monachus oracionem. Filius hic noster, abbas videlicet monasterii sancti Iohannis Baptistae, bibliothecam emit, sed quia non potest precium inopia constringente persolvere, necessitate compellitur a me reddendae quantitatis auxilium flagitare. Sed quod ad praesens michi non adiacet, ab aliis exigendi licenciam tribuo, ut quod a nobis divitibus scilicet episcopis non assequitur, a vobis saltim exiguis ac pauperculis in aliquo consoletur. Quod si dicit aliquis: Mundus adversum nos furit, bellum ingruit, et vacare nos ad offerenda Deo munera non permittit, audiat quia Iosue dux Israhel in deserto pugnabat, et Moyses in monte manibus in celum extensis orabat. Sed sicut scriptura perhibet, cum remitteret manus Moyses, superabat Amalech, cum vero manus erigeret, corruebat Amalech, et vincebat lsrahel. Hinc propheta dicit: “Levate corda vestra cum manibus ad Deum.” Cor quippe cum manibus ad Deum levat, qui dum oracionum Deo vota persolvit, ei quoque, vel ad hornamenta aecclesiarum, vel ad subsidia pauperum rerum suarum dona transmittit. Induamus ergo nobis loricam bonorum operum, et iacula non timebimus impiorum. Unde Salomon in Proverbiis: “Ne paveas,” inquit, “repentino terrore irruentes tibi potestas impiorum: Dominus enim erit in latere tuo, et custodiet pedem tuum ne capiaris.” Unde autem debeamus hanc audaciam mente concipere, presto subiunxit: “Noli prohibere benefacere eum qui potest; si vales, et ipse benefac; ne dicas amico tuo: Vade et revertere, cras dabo tibi, cum statim possis dare.” Confidendum est ergo non in ferro vel armis, sed in operibus pietatis. Ego autem venirem ad vestrae iussionis imperium, nisi senectus incurva tremulum reprimeret gressum. Verumtamen frater hic videat et perpendat, si me causa racionalis invitat. Excellenciam praeterea vestram humiliter obsecro, ut si quem ad teutonica loca transmittis, pro karitate nostra ad dominam meam imperatricem hanc epistolam dirigas.

Historical context:

In this letter to duke Godfrey and his spouse Beatrice, Peter Damian requests aid to a monastic library.

Scholarly notes:

(1)Reindel, the editor of Peter’s letters, identifies the monastery as San Giovanni in Acereta, which Peter had founded.

Printed source:

MGH PD ep.148; also PL144 ep.13, c450-51





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