A letter from Philip, king of France


Philip, King of France


Blanche of Navarre, Countess of Champagne

Translated letter:

Philip, by grace of God king of the Franks, to his beloved and faithful Blanche, countess of Troyes, greetings and love.  We direct you that within the octave of the coming Purification of St. Mary, you hand over to brother Haimard or his certain messenger, two hundred and fifty pounds Provins, for Chalautre, before John Gelinel, our usher, bearer of the presents.  Enacted at Anet in the 1202nd year of the Lord, in the month of February.

Original letter:

Ph(ilippus) Dei gratia Francorum rex, dilecte et fideli sue B(lanche) Trecensis comitisse salutem, et dilectionem. Mandamus vobis quatinus infra octabas instantis Purifications beate Marie tradatis fratri Aimardo vel ejus certo nuncio ducentas et quinquaginta libras pruviniensium pro Chalastra coram Johanne Gelinel ostiario nostro latore presentium. Actum apud Anetum anno Domini M CC secundo, mense februario. 

Historical context:

The king tells the countess when and to whom to pay a certain sum.

Printed source:

The Cartulary of Countess Blanche of Champagne, edited by Theodore Evergates, © The Medieval Academy of America 2010 (University of Toronto Press, 2009), 256, #284.  Reprinted with permission of the press.



1203, February



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