A transfer of cooks


Maria Laskarina


Translated letter:

a)  charter of lady Maria formerly queen of Hungary composed in the 1266th year of the lord … in which that lady Maria queen at the request of her daughter lady Anne,  duchess of Macsó and Bosnia, and duke Béla [Anne’s] son transferred the reginal cook Dionysius of Kohar and his sons, Bense, Bodur, Pouka and Buchel … for their services from the council of the lord king to the number of the jobbágyok of cooks, giving them and their heirs the ability to enjoy the pure freedom of the jobagionatus of cooks

b)  in the second, composed namely in the stipulated year of the Lord 1266th was contained that when Dionysius the reginal cook of Kohar and his sons Bense, Bodor, Pouka and Butel in the service of lady Anne, duchess of Macsó and Bosnia  the dearest daughter of that lady queen Maria and her dearest sons the dukes Michael and Béla loyally and devotedly wherever in the kingdoms he served and that lady Anna [who] wished to respond and satisfy those labors with worthy reward together with her dearest son duke Béla, entreated that lady queen Maria and and asked her earnestly to place said Dionysius, Bense, Pouka, Bodor and Butel in the number of jobbágyok of cooks, that same lady queen listening to the requests of that lady Anna her dearest daughter transferred that Dionysius [and] his said sons with the consent of the lord king her lord into the number of jobbágyok of cooks, giving them and their heirs the ability to enjoy the pure liberty of jobbágyok of cooks.

Original letter:

a) az 1351. évi tartalmi átírás szövege: privilegium domine Marie quondam regine Hungarie anno Domini Mo CCo sexagesimo sexto confectum ... in quo ipsam [!] dominam [!] Mariam [!] reginam [!] ad petitionem domine Anne ducisse de Machou et de Bozna filie sue ac Bele ducis filii eiusdem Dionisium cocum reginalem de Kohar et filios suos, Bense, Bodur, Pouka et Buchel ... pro servitiis ipsorum de consilio domini regis in numerum jobagionum cocorum transtulisset dando eis eorumque heredibus pura libertate jobagionatus cocorum perfruendi facultatem
b) az 1359. évi tartalmi átírás szövege: In secunda autem scilicet in prescripto anno Domini Mo ducentemo sexagemo sexto confecta continebatur, quod cum Dionisius cocus reginalis de Kohar et filii sui Bense, Bodor, Pouka et Butel in officio domine Anne ducisse de Machou et de Bazna karissime filie eiusdem domine Marie regine et eiusdem karissimis filiis ducibus Mychaeli et Bele fideliter et devote ubique regnorum servivisset et eadem domina Anna digno premio et laboribus eorum respondere et satisfacere voluisset unacum karissimo filio suo Bela duce, ipsi domine Marie regine supplicasset et ab ipsa petiisset diligenter, ut predictis Dionisium, Bensam, Poukam, Bodor et Butel in numerum jobagionum cocorum collocaret, ipsa siquidem domina regina ipsis petitionibus eiusdem domine Anne karissime filie sue obediendo ipsum Dionisium eiusdem filios prenotatos de consensu domini regis domini sui in numerum jobagionum cocorum transtulisset dans eisdem et heredibus eorum puram libertatem jobagionatus cocorum perfruendi facultatem 

Historical context:

The first charter appeared in a 1351 text, the second in 1359.  Maria’s daughter Anne married Rostislav Mikhailovich, they had a son Béla who inherited Macsó (a province created by Rostislav with the backing of Béla IV) after the death of his brother Michael (Zsoldos, The Árpáds, 142, fn.58 and176).  On the jobbágy, Zsoldos notes  “from the second half of the 13th century… jobbágy came to designate the legally free tenant population living on the estates of private landowners,” 208.

Printed source:

RD Az Árpád-házi hercegek, hercegnök és a királnék okleveleinek kritikai jegyzéke, Regesta ducum, ducissarum stirpis Arpadiana necnon reginarum Hungariae critico-diplomatica, E. Szentpétery, A. Zsoldos (Budapest, 2008), 56, #58.






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