
Stewarding Collections in Times of Changing Perspectives: How Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions Can Facilitate Preservation and Access

Pantalony, Rina E.

Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural heritage organizations are collections-based institutions with the mission to preserve their collections and make them accessible in various ways, whether for research, study, exhibition and educational purposes, while holding the physical collections in trust for the public. With transitioning values in collecting practices, norms of collecting practices and accessibility standards are being challenged. The provenance of collections is being challenged, as well, and in some cases, objects and materials in collections have become the subject of repatriation. This is particularly true where collections include objects and materials that were acquired or taken from one global region or community and accessioned into the collection of a cultural heritage organization in another. How can access to collections be provided to patrons and the public in a way that is true and respectful of the normative traditions of traditional communities, in keeping with shifting societal values? This article presents the argument that a recognition and respect for intellectual property norms, specifically traditional knowledge (TK) and traditional cultural expressions (TCEs), facilitates quality collections stewardship and access to collections.


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Also Published In

Journal of Copyright in Education and Librarianship

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Academic Units
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August 26, 2024