2021 Articles
Rethinking Sustainable Luxury Fashion and Supply Chain Design
In response to rising protests against racial discrimination and social inequities and the COVID-19 pandemic, luxury fashion brands are contending with the importance of activist engagement along with continuing challenges around supply-chain management—touching issues related both to sustainability and the need for cultural and social changes in production. Linked too are the persistent questions that have long plagued the fashion industry. Are these products sustainable environmentally? How does the industry create more socially sustainable supply chains? Can a meticulously designed Prada handbag or a pair of premium, limited-edition Nike shoes stand for social justice while meeting consumers’ practical needs and desire for cutting-edge products?
- Rethinking Sustainable Luxury Fashion and Supply Chain Design_ Design Observer-Scherling.pdf application/pdf 655 KB Download File
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- Design Observer
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- School of Professional Studies
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- October 31, 2022