A letter from Alix of Vergy (1219, September)


Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy



Translated letter:

I, Alix, duchess of Burgundy, make known to those who will look at the present page, that the Cistercian brothers conceded to me, doing my will, whatever Odo, duke of Burgundy of good memory, my husband, will have conferred on them in the town of Savouges, namely whatever that duke will have had from the domain of Marrigue and John Rosset, so that clearly neither I nor any other might introduce Templars or Hospitallers into said possession, or even another church, whence the Cistercian brothers might be harmed. They conceded to me that annually while I live twenty sesters of oats in the measure of Dijon and two “rasperos” [crushed grapes/wine] of four measures each at Beaune to resolve the argument which I have had against them over the vineyards of Pomar. From all of which, namely the oats as well as the grapes, after my death they will be completely absolved. In witness of this matter, I have had the present page strengthened by the protection of my seal. Enacted in the 1219th year of grace, in the month of September.

Original letter:

Ego Alaydis,ducissa Burgundie,notum facio presentem paginam inspecturis, quod fratres Cistercii concesserunt mihi ad voluntatem meam faciendam quicquid bone memorie Odo, dux Burgundie, maritus meus, eisdem contulerat in villa de Savooges, videlicet quicquid ipse dux habuerat de domino de Marrigne et de Johanne Rosset, ita sane quod nec per me nec per alium in dictam possessionem Templarios vel Hospitales introducam, vel etiam aliam ecclesiam, unde fratres Cistercii possint molestari. Concesserunt et mihi annuatim quod dum vixero viginti sextarios avene ad mensuram Divionis et duos rasperos apud Belnam singulos quatuor modiorum pro pacifienda contentione quam adversus ipsos habueram super vineis de Pomar. De quibus omnibus videlicet tam de avena quam de rasperis, post mortem meam penitus erunt absoluti. In hujus rei testimonium presentem paginam sigilli mei munimine roboravi. Actum anno gratie Mo CC° nono decimo, mense septembri.

Historical context:

The duchess records the donations her husband made to Citeaux.

Printed source:

E. Petit, Histoire Generale des Ducs de Bourgogne de la race Capétienne (Dijon: Darentiere, 1885-1905), 6v., 4.175, #1576..


1219, September



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