Agnes of Aquitaine


Title social-status
countess of Savoy
Date of Birth
mid 11th century
Date of Death
late 11th century


(See also Genealogical Table(s): 4, 4.1, 5.)
Agnes of Aquitaine.  Agnes was the daughter of William VII of Aquitaine (V of Poitiers) and an Ermesinde.  She married Peter I, count of Savoy by 1064; Peter died in 1078. Agnes was the niece of the empress, Agnes of Poitiers.  She and Peter had at least one daughter, Agnes, who married Frederick of Montbéliard, and possibly others, though there is debate about them. Already a widow, she joined her mother-in-law in some donations and was a witness to others.  At the end of a charter of donation of Adelaide's, there is the following addition in Samuel Guichenon, L’Histoire Généalogique de la maison royale de Savoye  v.2 Preuves, p.20:  

To these the following are added.  Adelaide and Agnes, countesses, made this investiture or offering on the 7th kal. of February of two stoles (manualiis), set in the town of Saluzzo, to the monastery of Pinerolo of the holy mother of God, always virgin Mary, for the remedy of their souls and of all their relatives.  At this were present witnesses, namely D. Mauritius ... venerable bishops and also Roger, Aruin, knights, and Rambert, viscount.  (Hisque haec subduntur.  Hanc investituram, sive oblationem fecerunt Adelaida, & Agnes Comitissae 7. Kal. Feb. de duobus manualiis, positis in Saluciensi Villa, Pinarolensi Monasterio S. Dei Genitricis semper Virginis Mariae, pro animarum suarum mercede, omniumque suorum Parentum.  Hi interfuerunt Testes, videlicet D. Mauritius .... Venerandi Episcopi, necnon & Rogerius, Aruinus, milites, & Rambertus Vicecomes.)

Letters from Agnes of Aquitaine

A letter to Public (1078)
A letter to Public (1083, April 22)
A letter to Public (1089, June 13)


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