A letter from Constance of Hungary (1206-07?)


Constance of Hungary
Premysl Otakar I



Translated letter:

In the name of the holy trinity and individual unity. Since it is necessary for any christian to be fortified by support of the prayers of those leading a religious life in holy devotion in Christ, it is quite just that considering our need of them, we mercifully supply their lack from those things which flow to us from the generosity of divine donation. Let all present as well as future sons of the christian profession know that I, Premysl, by the grace of God third king of the Bohemians and duke of the Moravians, for the remission of my sins and those of our predecessors, with my wife Constance, queen of the Bohemians, [we] confer on the devoted virgins serving Christ in the church of St. Peter of Olomuc, tcasthree lands at Tinec belonging to the villa called Bukovany and certain ones pertaining to the castrum of Olomuc to be possessed by hereditary right in perpetuity, adding beyond those one butchery in the city of Olomuc for the sustenance of the guests who come to them. With liberal munificence, we absolve their poor from all charges for the rebuilding of the castrum and from all tributes/taxes or other rents. That this gift of our conferring may have the force of stability and hold firm through the process of time from now on, we ask the venerable bishop Robert of Olomuc to confirm by perpetual anathema the wording of the present writing and the impression of our royal seal and of our nobles who were present here, by witness of the other witnesses we have had confirmed by registering [here]. The witnesses of this thing are: Jarozlaw, Slawek, Cyrnin, Arnusth, Wilam, Predbor hebki, Boguzlaw Odolenowich, Petrus Rozss, Sdizlawek Grutouich, Blud, Doben, Pribizlaw, Paulik, Sobehyrd, Swezlau, Sulizlaw, Jacobus, Hinricus, Luder, Hren, Jan, Nepplah, Boruth, Borutha.

Original letter:

In nomine sancte trinitatis et individue unitatis. Cum in sancta devotione in Christo pie vitam ducentibus religiosam quemlibet christianum sit necesse orationum muniri suffragiis, iustum profecto est, quatinus ipsorum inopiam nostram putantes, ex eis, que nobis ex largitate donationis affluunt divine, eorum suppleamus misericorditer defectum. Noverint itaque tam presentes quam futuri christiane professionis filii, quod ego Premizl, dei nutu tercius rex Boemorum et dux Morauorum, pro remedio peccatorum meorum nec non et predecessorum nostrorum cum coniuge mea Constancia, Boemorum regina, devotis virginibus circa sancti Petri ecclesiam in Olomuch Christo famulantibus tres terras ad Tynech spectantes in villa Bukowan dicta et quasdam ad Olomucense castrum pertinentes iure possidendas hereditario in perpetuum contulimus, addentes eis insuper carnificem unum in civitate Olomuch in subsidium hospitum ad ipsas advenientium. Pauperes vero earum a reedificatione castrorum et ab omnibus tributorum seu vectigalium ceterorumque huiusmodi exactionibus liberali munificencia absolvimus. Ut autem hoc nostre collationis donum robur habeat firmitatis ac deinceps temporum processu ratum teneatur, venerabilem Olomucensem episcopum Robertum perpetuo anathemate confirmare rogavimus scriptique presentis tenore et sigilli nostri regalis inpressione simul et nobilium nostrorum, qui presentes tunc aderant, attestacione ceterorumque testium adnotacione fecimus roborari. Huius autem rei testes sunt: Jarozlaw, Slawek, Cyrnin, Arnusth, Wilam, Predbor hebki, Boguzlaw Odolenowich, Petrus Rozss, Sdizlawek Grutouich, Blud, Doben, Pribizlaw, Paulik, Sobehyrd, Swezlau, Sulizlaw, Jacobus, Hinricus, Luder, Hren, Jan, Nepplah, Boruth, Borutha.

Historical context:

The king and queen confer lands on the virgins of St. Peter of Olomuc as well as a butchery to supply their guests, and they remove tributes from the poor belonging to them. A castrum is an administrative unit with a castle at its center.

Printed source:

Codex Diplomaticus et Epistolarius Regni Bohemiae, ed. Gustavus Friederich (Prague: 1912), 2.56, ep.60.





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