A letter from Alix of Vergy (1240, April)


Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy



Translated letter:

I, Alix, mother of the duke of Burgundy, make known to all who will look at the present letters that lord Haymo Aymon Teffu, my knight, standing in my presence, with the approval and consent of his wife lady Marie, and his sons, namely William, canon of Vergy, and John, for the salvation of his soul and his ancestors’, gave conceded and released in perpetuity to the church of Lieu-Dieu and the nuns serving God there, two sesters of grain which they were held to render to that Aymon Teffu. In witness of which thing, at the entreaties of said Aymon, Marie, Guy, John, I had the present letters strengthened with the protection of my seal. Enacted this 1240th year of the Lord in the month of April.

Original letter:

Ego Alaydis, mater ducis Burgundie, notam facio omnibus presentes litteras inspecturis quod dominus Haymo Teffu, miles meus, in mea presentia constitutus, laude et assensu domine Ma¬rie, uxoris sue, et filiorum suorum, videlicet Guillermi, canonici Virgiacensis, et Johannis, ob remedium anime sue et antecessorum suorum dedit, concessit et inperpetuum quittavit ecclesie Loci Dei et sanctimonialibus ibidem Deo servientibus duo sextaria bladi que eidem Haymoni Teffu reddere tenebantur. In cujus rei testimonium ad preces supradictorum Haymonis, Marie, Guidonis, Johannis, presentes litteras sigilli mei munimine feci roborari. Actum est hoc anno Domini millesimo ducentesimo quadragesimo, mense aprili.

Historical context:

The duchess reveals a donation to the nuns of Lieu-Dieu by Aimon, called Teffu, her knight. There seems to be some confusion in the name of one of Aimon’s sons, named either William or Guy.

Printed source:

E. Petit, Histoire Generale des Ducs de Bourgogne de la race Capétienne (Dijon: Darentiere, 1885-1905), 6v., 4.324, #2392.


1240, April



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