Theses Doctoral

On the Multiway Principal Component Analysis

Ouyang, Jialin

Multiway data are becoming more and more common. While there are many approaches to extending principal component analysis (PCA) from usual data matrices to multiway arrays, their conceptual differences from the usual PCA, and the methodological implications of such differences remain largely unknown. This thesis aims to specifically address these questions. In particular, we clarify the subtle difference between PCA and singular value decomposition (SVD) for multiway data, and show that multiway principal components (PCs) can be estimated reliably in absence of the eigengaps required by the usual PCA, and in general much more efficiently than the usual PCs. Furthermore, the sample multiway PCs are asymptotically independent and hence allow for separate and more accurate inferences about the population PCs. The practical merits of multiway PCA are further demonstrated through numerical, both simulated and real data, examples.


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Academic Units
Thesis Advisors
Yuan, Ming
Ph.D., Columbia University
Published Here
August 2, 2023