Presentations (Communicative Events) and Conference Objects

Data Repositories Discovering Unpublished and Diverse Data Usage and Impact

Downs, Robert R.; Lehnert, Kerstin A.; Zhang, Lili; Donaldson, Devan Ray

Measuring the impact of a data repository and the data that it disseminates is critical for data repositories, data producers, data sponsors, and other stakeholders to understand how data is being used, why it is being used, and who is using it. Data that are used for publications can be tracked, if correctly cited, although capturing incomplete citations and understanding the nuances of how and why data were used for research, as well as who is using the data, can be challenging. Data is used for education and training, often with no publication citing the data or a systematic way to trace such data uses. Sometimes, data is used for presentations without being correctly cited or cited in a way that is discoverable. Data also is used for commercial purposes that are not necessarily publicly reported. Governments, including national, regional, and local agencies, use data for planning, evaluation, and other purposes, without necessarily reporting such data uses. Data repositories and others that have made progress in discovering how data products and services are being used will discuss such uses and how such uses can be tracked to improve data usage metrics and understanding about the way that data is being used. Presentations of discovered data uses will be followed by questions and discussions among session participants Outcomes of the session include new understanding of how data is being used and how data repositories, producers, sponsors, and other stakeholders can discover and learn about the impact of data from such uses.

Keywords: scientific impact, data citation, data use


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More About This Work


Downs, Robert R., Lehnert Kerstin A., Zhang Lili, Donaldson Devan Ray. 2023. Data Repositories Discovering Unpublished and Diverse Data Usage and Impact. Research Data Alliance 21st Plenary (RDA P21), International Data Week. Salzburg, Austria, 25 Oct 2023.