A letter of confirmation
Elizabeth of the CumansReceiver
PublicTranslated letter:
We Elizabeth by the grace of god junior queen of Hungary, duchess of Transylvania, lady of the Cumans, indicate to all to whom the present reaches, that Lue with his two sons namely Fudur and Stephen, coming into our presence, humbly entreated asking us that we deign to confirm by the patronage of our letters the land called Borod in the county/ispánate of Bereg next to Munkaach which had been conferred on him in perpetuity by lady Anne, duchess of Macsó and Bosnia leaving it to him peacefully as we saw contained in the letters composed by that lady Anna presented to us by said Lue. And so we looking favorably on their requests conferred on them said land as they possessed it before to be possessed perpetually with full right, which grant made by us we wish to enforce by the present letters. Dated in the 1264th year of the lord.
Original letter:
Nos E(lisabeth) dei gracia iunior regina Hungarie, ducissa Transsilvana, domina cumanorum, significamus universis quibus expedit per presentes, quod Lve cum duobus filiis suis Fudur scilicet et Stephano, ad nostram accedens presenciam, nobis humiliter suplicavit petens, ut terram Borod vocatam in comitatu de Bereg sitam prope Munkaach, sibi per dominam Annam ducissam de Machov seu de Bazna perpetualiter collatam, prout in literis eiusdem domine Anne exinde confectis nobis per predictum Lve presentatis vidimus contineri, eidem pacifice relinquentes, nostrarum eciam patrocinio literarum dignaremur confirmare. Nos itaque peticionibus eorum favorabiliter annuentes, predictam terram prout antea possederant eisdem contulimus pleno iure perpetuo possidendam, quam utique collacionem per nos factam presentibus eciam literis volumus roborari. Datum anno domini Millesimo ducentesimo sexagesimo quarto.
Historical context:
The queen confirms the grant of land made by her sister-in-law, Anne, a daughter of Béla and Maria. Anne’s husband Rostislav Mikhailovich, who had fled to Hungary from a Mongol invasion, was made duke of Macsó and Bosnia by Béla. See Attila Zsoldos, The Arpads, 142, and Nora Berend, Central Europe in the High Middle Ages, 442.