
Breakdown Point of Model Selection When the Number of Variables Exceeds the Number of Observations

Donoho, David L.; Stodden, Victoria C.

The classical multivariate linear regression problem assumes p variables X1, X2, ... , Xp and a response vector y, each with n observations, and a linear relationship between the two: y = X beta + z, where z ~ N(0, sigma2). We point out that when p > n, there is a breakdown point for standard model selection schemes, such that model selection only works well below a certain critical complexity level depending on n/p. We apply this notion to some standard model selection algorithms (Forward Stepwise, LASSO, LARS) in the case where pGtn. We find that 1) the breakdown point is well-de ned for random X-models and low noise, 2) increasing noise shifts the breakdown point to lower levels of sparsity, and reduces the model recovery ability of the algorithm in a systematic way, and 3) below breakdown, the size of coefficient errors follows the theoretical error distribution for the classical linear model.



Also Published In

2006 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre Hotel, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 16-21, 2006

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Published Here
October 11, 2011